The Angel Moroni and the Gold Plates - The Church of Jesus Christ …
The angel Moroni said the gold plates were buried in a hill near Joseph’s home. Moroni said that two stones, called the Urim and Thummim, were hidden with the plates. The stones would help Joseph translate the book.
Moroni: Messenger of the Restoration - The Church of Jesus Christ …
As Moroni stood before him, Joseph was shown in vision “the place where the plates were deposited” (Joseph Smith—History 1:42). Every September for four years, Joseph went to the Hill Cumorah and was taught by Moroni.
Moroni - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A retelling of the Angel Moroni appearing to Joseph Smith and telling him about the gold plates. “Book of Mormon Story: Moroni, Last and Lone Nephite Prophet” (September 1996 Friend ) We can learn the greatness of God and be reverent, as Moroni was.
Angel Moroni - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Moroni, the last ancient record keeper to inscribe his teachings on the plates, appeared to Joseph on a number of occasions between 1823 and 1829, guiding and mentoring Joseph as he obtained the plates and translated them.
Moroni Hides the Plates in the Hill Cumorah (Moroni Burying the …
Moroni Hides the Plates in the Hill Cumorah (Moroni Burying the Plates), by Tom Lovell (62462); GAK 320; GAB 86; Primary manual 3-35; Primary manual 4-02; Mormon 6:6; 8:1, 3–4; Moroni 10:1–5 Sources
Read about Moroni's instructions to Joseph - The Church of Jesus …
The task would be difficult, Moroni warned. Joseph could only be entrusted with the plates the records were engraved on if his heart was focused solely on God’s work—but he would be tempted to use the plates for personal gain.
Moroni, Son of Mormon
Just before Mormon’s death, he delivered a historical record called the plates of Mormon to his son Moroni (W of M 1:1). Moroni finished compiling the plates of Mormon. He added chapters 8 and 9 to the book of Mormon . He abridged and included the book of Ether (Ether 1:1–2) and added his own book called the book of Moroni .
Lewis A. Ramsey’s Painting of the Angel Moroni - The Church of …
In 1823 the angel Moroni revealed to Joseph Smith the location of the golden plates containing the sacred record known as the Book of Mormon. To prepare Joseph for his role in translating this record, Moroni instructed him to return to the same spot each year to be taught.
Read about Moroni giving the plates to Joseph - The Church of …
Read about Moroni giving the plates to Joseph The long-awaited moment finally came. Borrowing a carriage from a close family friend named Joseph Knight, Joseph and his new bride, Emma, went to the hill shortly after midnight on September 22, 1827, and obtained the plates at last.
Moroni the Prophet - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Moroni is the last prophet of his people. They are wicked and want to kill others. He writes about charity, the pure love of Christ. He says to follow Jesus. He protects and buries the plates.