STEMI (ST segment elevation myocardial infarction) | Mind Map
Take a look at our interactive learning Mind Map about STEMI (ST segment elevation myocardial infarction), or create your own Mind Map using our free cloud based Mind Map maker.
Myocardial Infarction | MindMeister Mind map
Can be different types such as STEMI and NSTEMI References Pathophysiology and etiology Risk Factors Signs and symptoms Diagnostic tests or labs to c... Public mind map by Susan Esqueda. Create your own collaborative mind maps for free at www.mindmeister.com. Unlock the full potential of your projects.
6.2. · Twelve-lead ECGs help localize the affected area through identification of changes in ST segments and T waves. (A characteristic Q wave often develops on ECG some hours later in STEMI). · An angiogram with coronary catheterization to look …
EMS - STEMI - HHH | carmelarice - Xmind
A Mind Map about EMS - STEMI - HHH submitted by carmelarice on Dec 13, 2012. Created with Xmind.
Mind mapping- myocardial infarction new - Studocu
It helps identify characteristic changes, such as ST-segment elevation (STEMI) or ST- segment depression (NSTEMI), indicative of myocardial ischemia or injury. Additionally, ECG findings can help differentiate myocardial infarction from other cardiac conditions, such as …
5.1. Myocardial Infractions (MIs) are also known as heart attacks. It is the damage or death of heart muscle due to a blockage in one or more coronary arteries, cutting off the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. An MI can be subdivided into non-ST- elevation MI (non-STEMI) and ST elevation MI (STEMI). 6. Pathophysiology of an MI 6.1.
Mind Map Stemi | PDF - Scribd
Mind Map Stemi - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. mind map
STEMI | Mind Map - GoConqr
STEMI - Take a look at our interactive learning Mind Map about STEMI, or create your own Mind Map using our free cloud based Mind Map maker.
Mind Map Stemi 1 Fix | PDF - Scribd
Dokumen ini membahas tentang STEMI (serangan jantung akut dengan elevasi segmen ST) yang ditandai dengan nyeri dada, peningkatan enzim jantung, dan elevasi ST pada EKG. Penderita mengalami rasa nyeri hebat di dada disertai gejala-gejala seperti gelisah, takut, berkeringat dingin, dan lemas.
Mind Map Stemi | PDF - Scribd
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang etiologi, manifestasi klinis, patofisiologi, penatalaksanaan, dan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien STEMI. STEMI terjadi akibat pembuluh darah koroner tersumbat total sehingga aliran darah terhenti dan menyebabkan rusaknya otot jantung.