Maternal Fetal Triage Index (MFTI) - AWHONN
The Maternal Fetal Triage Index (MFTI) module educates perinatal nurses about obstetric triage basics—the meaning of triage in obstetrics, the nurse’s role, and the benefits of using a systematic approach to improve the process of triage and outcomes factoring in social determinants of health, health equity, and implicit bias.
The MFTI is a five-level obstetric acuity tool for nurses to use when they triage a woman presenting for care to a birth unit in order to prioritize the woman's urgency for provider evaluation.
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• The MFTI is an acuity classification tool. The levels, although referred to as priority levels, reflect levels of acuity, a term relevant for all units, regardless of volume. The MFTI is recommended to be used for obstetric triage no matter how small or large-volume the unit.
Evaluation of the Maternal-Fetal Triage Index in a tertiary care …
Obstetrical triage acuity tools such as the MFTI can be used to enhance the timeliness of the evaluation of high-acuity pregnant women. Our study supports the ACOG recommendation on the implementation and utilization of labor and delivery triage tools such as the MFTI.
Fetal Triage Index (MFTI) 1. Expert task force drafted an acuity tool 2. Content validation (RN, CNM, MD) 3. Interrater reliability 4. Educational module testing @2015 AWHONN 26 Ruhl, Scheich, Onokpise & Bingham, 2015 Over 100 nurses, physicians and midwives contributed to developing the MFTI!
• Using the MFTI, a standardized acuity tool, promotes systematic nursing assessment. • The MFTI’s standardized approach can prevent cognitive bias and errors, potentially reducing liability claims.
Implementation of the Maternal Fetal Triage Index to Improve …
The Maternal Fetal Triage Index (MFTI) is an evidence-based obstetric triage tool that improves care delivery by expediting emergency screening examinations and contact with health care providers.
Encouraging the Maternal-Fetal Triage Index OB Triage Tool
The MFTI is a one-page algorithm that organizes perinatal triage assessment and prioritization. The tool is modeled after the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) that is very familiar to ED staff nationwide. ED staff evaluate the acuity level and then progress with disposition and level of care.
AWHONN develops obstetrics triage tool - Nurse.com
Nov 13, 2015 · In "Interrater Reliability Testing of the Maternal Fetal Triage Index," the authors compared blinded, paired triage assessments performed by nurses using the MFTI tool in a large suburban hospital.
Implementing an Obstetrics-Specific Triage Acuity Tool to …
Jul 2, 2018 · To implement an obstetrics-specific triage acuity tool called the Maternal Fetal Triage Index (MFTI) in two maternity units, test the change in nurses’ knowledge of triage assessment, and improve timeliness of care.