Hamadab Stela - Wikipedia
The Hamadab Stela is a colossal sandstone stela found at Hamadab just south of the ancient site of Meroë in Sudan. Now kept at the British Museum, the significance of the stela resides in the fact that it is inscribed with one of the longest known texts in the Meroitic script. [1] [2]
Amanirenas - Wikipedia
Meroitic, the indigenous language of the kingdom of Kush, remains undeciphered; however, inscriptions giving Queen Amanirenas the title of "qore" as well as "kandake" suggest that she was an individually ruling queen.
Prince Akinidad of Kush and the One Eyed Kandake in the …
Oct 21, 2016 · Presently we find 37 lines of cursive Meroitic script on this stela. There were probably additional lines on this stela, because the stela is broken below line 37. This stela indicates that Akinidad died while he was a prince.
stela - British Museum
Although the sound equivalents of the characters are known and one can therefore 'read' the text, its meaning is far from clear. Meroitic, the indigenous language of the kingdom of Kush at least from the early first millennium BC until the fourth century AD, is one of the few ancient languages which cannot be deciphered.
The Meroitic script and the documents of ancient Kush (ca. 300BC …
Dec 29, 2024 · The Meroitic writing system of the kingdom of Kush is one of the best-known, yet most enigmatic scripts of the ancient world.
The Meroitic empire, Queen Amanirenas and the Candaces of …
Jan 3, 2022 · Detail from Queen Amanishakheto’s stela from Naga (REM 1293) showing a bound Roman prisoner with a helmet, tunic and a “European phenotype”, an inscription identifies his ethnonym as “Tameya”: a catch-all term the Kushites used for …
The pyramids of ancient Nubia and Meroe: death on the Nile and …
Feb 19, 2023 · The funerary stela placed in Meroitic pyramid-chapels followed established traditions of grave stelae used in the Napatan period that had been reserved for royals but became democratised by the Meroitic elite.
Meroitic Egyptianizing Objects: Inlays, Ba Statue, Offering Table
The set of inlays provides an interesting window into Meroitic religion by demonstrating aspects of Egyptian tradition which were adopted and adapted to represent fundamental Meroitic religious tenets.
THE GREAT STELA OF PRINCE AKINIZAZ. IN the winter of 1913-14 Professor Garstang and Mr Phythian-Adams excavated a small temple built of crude bricks, two or three kilometres south of the main site of Meroe, near the village of Hamadab. On either side of the entrance stood an inscribed stela, facing the visitor as he approached the shrine'.
A Remark on the 'Akinidad' Stela REM 1003 (British Museum EA …
This paper explores the Akinidad Stela REM 1003, an important artifact housed in the British Museum that contains one of the longest preserved royal texts in cursive Meroitic.