Maurice van Es
Maurice van Es. Maurice van Es. maurice van es live rooms of now booksoforigin pieterlammers rijksakademie testimonyfilmarchive andykaufman 2020 japan2019 running2018 luka bat mire mauritius2015 maarten flowers night josephine toys anna nowwillnotbewithusforever mels father amsterdam sunsetsbeforeiwasborn home summer ...
Maurice van Es (@mauricevanes) • Instagram photos and videos
3,909 Followers, 679 Following, 1,026 Posts - Maurice van Es (@mauricevanes) on Instagram: " ️ @testimonyfilmarchive @rooms_of_now_books @scannedfootballphotos"
Maurice Van Es - AINT—BAD
May 23, 2016 · Maurice Van Es (b. 1984) is a Dutch visual artist who works with photographs. In 2013 he graduated from the Royal Academy of Arts in the Hague with his graduation project “Now will not be with us forever”, a book cassette containing seven different books.
A Photographer Captures the Sweet Strangeness of His
Jan 1, 2016 · Like a breath of fresh air, Dutch photographer Maurice van Es’s now will not be with us forever (RVB Books, 2015) provides a welcome alternative to the haze of apathy, distrust, and sarcasm that...
Maurice van Es – Rooms of Now - Dialogue Amsterdam
Sep 18, 2024 · Maurice van Es is a visual artist working with photography. His work has been exhibited in New York, Paris, London, Milan, Amsterdam and Arles. He recently won the Düsseldorf Photo Portfolio Review and the audience award of …
Maurice Van Es | English | Metal Magazine
Searching for the truth and soul in each detail, he has been conscious, from an early age, of the growing process in life, of relationships’ fragilities and even of the human’s survival attempts. Maurice is enigmatic, turning every thought in poetic material, as he does with his photographs.
Maurice van Es - Founder - Rooms of Now - LinkedIn
Bekijk het profiel van Maurice van Es op LinkedIn, een professionele community van 1 miljard leden. Artist · Ervaring: Rooms of Now · Opleiding: Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten · Locatie:...
- Title: Artist
- Location: Rooms of Now
Maurice van Es (1984, The Netherlands) - ING.com
Maurice van Es. Filming every day, Maurice van Es documents his life with a mobile phone, the instrument of our time. He has made a film for and about each of his friends, carefully looking at them to capture their youthful energy, in search for magical spontaneity.
Maurice van Es - IGNANT
Feb 13, 2013 · Maurice van Es compares taking photos with bottling wine. He wonders if and how the value of the photographed will change when time pass. In times where the use of personal photography could be described as a form of mass hysteria, he tries to make photography valuable for himself again.
Maurice van Es - Unfair
Maurice van Es (1984) studeerde af aan de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten in Den Haag en was kunstenaar-in-residentie aan de Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten Amsterdam. Zijn werk is tentoongesteld in ruimtes zoals G/P Gallery Tokyo, Drents Museum, Unseen Amsterdam en Galerie Ron Mandos.
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