Mars Orbiter Mission - Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
The objectives of this mission are primarily technological and include design, realisation and launch of a Mars Orbiter spacecraft capable of operating with sufficient autonomy during the …
Oct 3, 2022 · The MOM spacecraft photographed, for the first time, the far side of Deimos, one of the natural satellites of Mars. The mission could capture the full disc image of Mars because of …
Mars Orbiter Mission Profile - Indian Space Research Organisation …
At the time the spacecraft reaches the closest approach to Mars (Periapsis), it is captured into planned orbit around mars by imparting ∆V retro which is called the Mars Orbit Insertion (MOI) …
Indian Space Research Organisation
Marking India's first venture into the interplanetary space, MOM will explore and observe Mars surface features, morphology, mineralogy and the Martian atmosphere.
Overview of Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) - Indian Space Research ...
Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) spacecraft is orbiting Mars in a highly elliptical orbit characterized by nearest point to Mars (periapsis) at around 300 km and farthest point (apoapsis) at ~71,000 …
Indian Space Research Organisation
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is the space agency of India. The organisation is involved in science, engineering and technology to harvest the benefits
FAQ - Mars Orbiter Mission - Indian Space Research Organisation …
Mars Orbiter Mission carries five scientific instruments, namely Mars Colour Camera (MCC), Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (TIS), Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM), Lyman Alpha …
Celebrating one year of Mars Orbiter Mission in Orbit; Release of …
India has joined the club of space faring nations to explore Mars by sending its first planetary mission called, Mars Orbiter Mission or popularly known as MOM. The MOM spacecraft was …
Pictures from Mars Colour Camera (MCC) onboard India’s Mars …
Announcement of Opportunity for utilising Mars Orbiter Mission data from MCC, TIS, MSM, LAP and MENCA payloads (MOM-AO)
Mars full disc image by MCC - Indian Space Research Organisation …
Announcement of Opportunity for utilising Mars Orbiter Mission data from MCC, TIS, MSM, LAP and MENCA payloads (MOM-AO)