Marac referral criteria and form - SafeLives
The four criteria for a referral to Marac are: visible high risk; professional judgement; potential escalation; repeat referral . This resource explains each of the four criteria. It also answers some of the most frequently asked questions about Marac referral criteria, including: Why SafeLives recommends a threshold of 14 ‘yes’ answers
Making a MARAC referral for domestic violence and abuse
Find out how to make a referral if your client is a high risk victim of domestic violence. MARACs are Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences. They are regular meetings of...
MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference)
A case should be referred to MARAC if the victim or perpetrator are vulnerable or at risk to either themselves or others and the case would benefit from a multi-agency action plan. Professionals...
What is a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC)?
Dec 27, 2024 · Referral: A case is referred to the MARAC by an agency or organisation when they identify a person at high risk of harm due to domestic abuse. Risk is assessed using a tool like the Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Honour-Based …
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MARAC referral form
To identify repeat victims of domestic abuse regardless of to whom it is reported, all MARAC agencies should have the capacity to ‘flag and tag’ their files following the latest referral so that they are aware if a service user/client experiences a repeat incident.
The four aims of Marac are to safeguard victims of domestic absue, manage perpetrators’ behaviour, safeguard professionals and make links with all other safeguarding processes. The 10 principles underpin an effective Marac and support everyone involved to deliver these aims.
Marac resources and guidance - Safelives
Access Marac resources including general information, briefings, guidance documents, administration and governance templates, checklists, Marac referral resources and Marac toolkits. Suitable for all professionals working at Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (Marac) meetings, the Marac resources are categorised by use and location.
Refer to MARAC - One Suffolk
How do I refer to MARAC? Any agency can refer a victim's case to MARAC by following the below guidelines: 1) To refer a case to MARAC you need to consider if the assessed risk level meets the MARAC threshold. 2) Where possible, you should complete the MARAC DASH Risk Assessment with your client and consider the further referral criteria below;
Multi-Agency Risk Assessment conference (MARAC)
A Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) is a nationally recognised process to identify how professionals can help victim-survivors at high risk of serious harm or death from...
The MARAC process serves those at risk of murder, death or serious harm and from which recovery, whether physical or psychological, can be expected to be difficult or impossible. MARAC is a process, and compliments the work of all agencies involved.