Marac referral criteria and form - SafeLives
The four criteria for a referral to Marac are: visible high risk; professional judgement; potential escalation; repeat referral . This resource explains each of the four criteria. It also answers …
There are four criteria which professionals can use to refer a victim at high risk from domestic abuse to Marac. It is important that anyone who meets the referral criteria is referred to Marac, …
The four aims of Marac are to safeguard victims of domestic absue, manage perpetrators’ behaviour, safeguard professionals and make links with all other safeguarding processes. The …
At the heart of a MARAC is the working assumption that no single agency or individual can see the complete picture of the life of a victim to be able to identify and manage the risks, but all …
Making a MARAC referral for domestic violence and abuse
Find out how to make a referral if your client is a high risk victim of domestic violence. MARACs are Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences. They are regular meetings of...
Your choice of criteria must reflect the risk of serious harm being inflicted in the immediate future. The MARAC process serves those at high risk of murder, death or significant harm, and from …
A Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) is a local, multi-agency victim-focussed meeting where information is shared on the highest risk cases of domestic abuse between …
Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC)
Criteria for MARAC. The threshold for MARAC is: Repeat referrals get referred back into the MARAC process if there is a further incident reported to at least one MARAC agency within a …
Multi-agency risk assessment conference (MARAC)
A Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (also known as MARAC), is a confidential meeting between representatives from different organisations in Shropshire to discuss the safety,...
Domestic abuse - MARAC - East Riding of Yorkshire Council
MARAC criteria and referral (for people aged 16 or over): Be clear with the victim/survivor about confidentiality and MARAC information sharing procedures. Complete a domestic abuse, …