5 ways to deal with ‘I forgot my PE kit’ - PE Blog
Feb 28, 2019 · If you are regularly being told by students that they have forgotten their kit, here are some simple ideas that can help to resolve the issue: 1. Spare PE kit. An old favourite in the deterrence of forgotten PE kits – the collection of spare PE kit items is usually enough to prompt students to bring their PE kit the next time.
Growing up, we were told that if you forgot your gym kit you ... - Reddit
I remember trying everything to get out of PE when I, a preteen girl who developed early, forgot my kit. My teacher wouldn't have it, until she started the lesson and faced the reality of having a child with a pair of tits running around the hall.
Lost PE kit - do you inform the school? - Mumsnet
Jun 13, 2009 · If students have lost stuff, they are sent to a) the last place they saw it & b) the PE Dept Lost Property cupboard & c) the Office Lost Property cupboard. Termly there is a clear-out - kids are notified of this - where all LP is laid out in a classroom.
What do you do about lost PE kit? - Mumsnet
Jan 7, 2009 · What do you do about lost PE kit? Since the beginning of the year, dd in year 8 has lost a leotard, a games shirt, a games sweatshirt, a pair of games socks and a pair of hockey socks. And she has two pairs of dance trousers - her own, and another unmarked pair.
Did any other 90's kids get made to do PE in your underwear if ... - Reddit
Jun 30, 2023 · My secondary school tried to get me to wear a kit from the lost and found, and I just walked out the changing room and sat in the library for an hour. I was a good kid, just forgot my kit and there was no way in hell I was wearing that stanky shit.
Lost PE kit - Mumsnet
Sep 24, 2023 · My DS has just started year R. On his first day I sent him in with a PE kit all labeled in a bag with his name on in huge letters. The school policy is that kits stay at school until the end of each half term. (Bit gross but there we go).
How embarrassed did you feel when you forgot your PE kit at …
Dec 25, 2022 · I did that. My reasoning being a lunchtime detention (standard pe kit forgetting penalty) was half an hour of tidying the pe store room, but meant I didn't have to do an hour of actual pe.
Lost PE kit what should I do - The Student Room
May 16, 2021 · Hi I've lost my PE kit and have it tomorrow. I can either get a after school detention for not having it or borrow one from school, which can be disgusting. What is worse? Have you ever borrowed one and what you you do?
PHS uniform Exchange/freecycle | LOST PE KIT TIPS: - Facebook
LOST PE KIT TIPS: I have seen that many posts about lost PE kit & thought I would try & help as I was a PE teacher for 19 years. Label EVERYTHING particularly the outside of the bag (most teachers...
Forgetting P.E. kit - The Student Room
What is the worst football Kit you have seen? Who ever forgot their P.e. kit at school? In primary school you had to do it in underwear. in secondary you had to use manky shorts/shirts from the lost property box (one i wore had mould on it).