Lit Torch | TibiaWiki - Fandom
As the torch is used, the light gets weaker and the torch shorter. This first stage lasts for 10 minutes, after which it becomes a Lit Torch (Medium). It was once a useful item. People always carried one of these in their belt to save mana in hunts from casting light spells.
Torch - OSRS Wiki
A lit torch is given to the player at end of the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest by Zanik, if the player doesn't have any light sources in inventory. An unlit torch is given to the player as part of the Sea Slug quest.
Lit Torch - Tibia Wiki - A Enciclopédia do Tibia
Lit Torch (Arm: 0, protection Holy +2%). It weighs 5.00 oz. It sparkles slightly. Atributos: Loot de: Ninguém. Adicionado: 12.40 (13 de julho de 2020). Mercado: Este item pode ser comercializado pelo Mercado. Notas: Spoiler, clique para mostrar/esconder
Lit torch - The RuneScape Wiki
A lit torch is a torch that is lit by a tinderbox and can only be made by members. It is one of the weaker light sources, which will let players see in dark caves and can be put out to produce the unlit torch. Only the unlit version of torches are tradeable …
Lit Torch - RLCraft Wiki
Lit torch is an item added by Realistic Torches. It is created by using a Matchbox or Flint and Steel on an Unlit Torch. This can be done in the world, a crafting table, or the players inventory.
Lit Torch - Official Palia Wiki
Lit Torch is a Quest Item obtained during the quest A Catalyzing Caper. Is it getting hot in here? The Player can light Sifuu's Torch using a brazier. Needed to unlock the secrets to the murals. Official Icon of Lit Torch in Palia. Sifuu will now grant the Player a torch any time they talk to her during the questline. Introduced.
Lit Torch - Item - World of Warcraft - Wowhead
Lit Torch is a quest item needed for Marking the Path. It is a quest reward. In the Items category. Added in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.
Lit torch - Old School RuneScape Wiki | Fandom
A lit torch is a torch that is lit by a tinderbox and can only be made by members. It is one of the weaker light sources, which will let players see in dark caves and can be put out to produce the unlit torch.
Lit Torch - Official Feed The Beast Wiki
The Lit Torch is an item and a block added by Realistic Torches. It functions similarly to the Torch. After the amount of time specified in the configuration file, it will burn out, yielding an Unlit Torch. It will also burn out if it is rained on. Breaking the Lit Torch will yield an Unlit Torch.
Lit Torch (Quest) | TibiaWiki - Fandom
You see a lit torch. Item temporarily obtained in Grimvale Quest - An Ancient Feud. You can get more Lit Torches from Rhargu by saying Lost Torch as long as you don't have one in your inventory at the moment. This item is not dropped by any creatures. No NPC sells this item. No NPC buys this item.