liquid protein worth the expense? - CattleToday.com
Jul 5, 2012 · 2,000 lbs liquid at $400 ton = 20 cents lb 2,000 lbs x 35% protein = 700 lbs of protein per ton $400 div by 700 lbs = 57 cents per pound of protein There is a lot to be said for anything that is convenient and saves labor. Alfalfa/high quality grass hay isn't a lot cheaper when you factor in moisture and waste, then labor not much savings.
Liquid mineral/protein feeder pros and cons - CattleToday.com
Jul 8, 2017 · Tubs is absolutely the highest price protein. Pencil wise liquid comes out cheaper at today's prices than 2-1-1 range meal. 1.50 a gallon at 35% protein weighs about 9 lbs to the gallon. My cows average 3 lbs consumption a day. I like them to get the cows to clean up the pasture before supplying hay. Also like when I have poor quality hay.
liquid protein supplement | Page 2 - CattleToday.com
Oct 25, 2020 · All of these sources of protein have a certain percentage of moisture. Which hay, cubes, tubs are dry enough it's kinda pointless to figure. The point of my comment is you need to take the percentage of moisture out of a liquid feed to accurately know how much that protein is costing you vs. say alfalfa hay, soybean meal, cotton seed hulls, etc.
liquid protein supplement - CattleToday.com
Oct 25, 2020 · liquid protein supplement - thanks folks for letting me be part is your group. i run 400 head of mother cows, run calves through background stage and then run another 300 to 400 head of yearlings each year in the northeastern utah region. i'm looking for ideas of either liquid or tub supplements. what is the most effective and affordable?
Anipro liquid 25:5 | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Jan 12, 2025 · I have explored all of the search results on CT as well as google. What are y’all’s opinions on liquid supplements? My thoughts would be in the late fall/winter as a supplement to hay. Local dealers are 700/ton on Anipro and 450/ton on Mix 30. Anipro is 25% protein and 5% fat with some chelated...
Liquid Feed Results | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
Feb 11, 2021 · Question is whether the feed tag says dry matter basis or as fed basis. Hard to believe a lick tub could be 32% protein and a liquid feed be 32% with all that moisture. Just looked at a product that had 30 in it's name and it was 30% …
Liquid Feed | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching Community
Sep 8, 2019 · we have loose mineral out all year. we now have protein tubs out, but when the heat gives it up a little we will use liquid protein from about october thru march. it is cheaper than the protein tubs. we have a tank with 3 wheels the cows lick. the feed store comes out and fills it up when needed.
Soaking bales with protein supplement? - CattleToday.com
Mar 26, 2013 · Even if you add 10 gallon of a 30% protein liquid, you are only adding roughly 33 lbs of protein to a 1200 pound bale. This would be adding 2.5% protein to a bale, keep in mind this is making some assumptions with sime cowboy math. So if …
Protein Tub Vs. Hand Feeding - CattleToday.com
Sep 26, 2007 · Protein feeding (liquid is a very good buy for protein, maybe the best, depending upon your conditions) will make them more effective at utilizing the forage. It's a supplement strategy, rather than a replacement strategy as grain would be.
Liquid supplements can be formulated to effectively deliver energy, protein and other essential nutrients for stocker cattle and growing heifers. Feeds or feeding programs that provide undegraded intake protein (UIP) in addition to the ruminally degraded proteins (DIP) often improve the performance of growing cattle grazing medium- or low ...