About Lindsey Graham – United States Senator Lindsey Graham ...
Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1994 and the U.S. Senate in 2002, Lindsey Graham is the current Ranking Member of the Budget Committee and former Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. He is a well-respected leader on national security matters and is known for his work to solve the biggest problems America faces.
United States Senator Lindsey Graham | LindseyGraham.com
In the United States Senate, South Carolina's Lindsey Graham has earned a reputation as a conservative, a problem-solver, and a leader who gets things done.
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Lindsey Graham 2016 - LindseyGraham.com
Senator Lindsey Graham continues to be front-and-center on issues of national security, defense spending, and the need to restore America's leadership position as a force for global stability. He has proven that he has the character and drive to tackle the tough issues and defend our nation.
Lindsey, age 12, with friends in drug store dressed for a town festival. Lindsey and Darline, 1964.
United States Senator Lindsey Graham | LindseyGraham.com
Senator Graham is so grateful you have his back, but will you take your support one step further? Please send an immediate campaign contribution to make sure Sen. Graham has the funds to fend off any attacks from the radical Left, so he can continue to fight for you!
United States Senator Lindsey Graham | LindseyGraham.com
Please take a few moments to make a donation that will help spread Senator Lindsey Graham's common-sense, conservative message to the people of South Carolina. Thank you for being an important member of Team Graham.
Stand with Graham
In the United States Senate, South Carolina's Lindsey Graham has earned a reputation as a conservative, a problem-solver, and a leader who gets things done. He is a great friend to our men and women serving in uniform, a leading advocate for cutting the out-of-control spending in Washington, and a strong opponent of Obamacare.