What are other sources with information about Lathander?
Lathander is a deity from the Forgotten Realms (FR) campaign setting - which is one of many published settings in D&D's history, though it happens to have been used as the default setting in 5th Edition's sourcebooks. As such, you should search for materials specific to the Forgotten Realms if you want more information about him or other ...
forgotten realms - Are Amaunator and Lathander addressed …
Dec 19, 2017 · The first is called the "Risen Sun Heresy", perpetrated by the Brotherhood of the Glorious Sun. Supposedly tolerated by other followers of Lathander, those who follow this belief claim that Lathander is just a re-incarnation of Amaunator. The second heresy is the "Three-Faced Sun", which supposes that the Sun is a tripartite overdeity, with ...
How old is Lathander? - Role-playing Games Stack Exchange
Mar 25, 2024 · Lathander is probably at least as old as the fall of Netheril, as some believe that he used to be Amaunator, who died during this event that destroyed the Weave and altered the pantheon (-339 DR): Over the centuries, many theories have been put forward by later scholars as to what ultimate fate Amaunator met.
Regarding the history of Lathander and Amaunator in the …
May 16, 2020 · I am mainly interested in the Dawn Cataclysm and in how Lathander acts for the greater good without considering the consequences (as written in Faith and Pantheons, 3rd Ed., page 37). I have read some materials and answers about the past of the two gods ( Three-Faced Sun heresy , Risen Sun heresy , Post-Spellplague Era , and Post-Second ...
what is the equivalent of Lathander from the Dawn War Deities
Jan 21, 2021 · According to the Fifth Edition PHB (page 294), Lathander is the neutral good god of birth and renewal and is associated with the life and light domains. His symbols is a sun. In the 4th Edition PHB (page 22), the closest to this would probably be Pelor who is the good god of sun and summer (his symbol is also a sun) and is the lord of ...
Does Lightbringer illuminate or dispel the Darkness spell?
Oct 12, 2018 · This +1 mace was made for a cleric of Lathander, the god of dawn. The head of the mace is shaped like a sunburst and made of solid brass. Named Lightbringer, this weapon glows as bright as a torch when its wielder commands. While glowing, the mace deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage to undead creatures.
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Mar 25, 2022 · Lathander is a rather optimistic god, so maybe your character is young and naive and rushes into things without thinking. Or maybe, your character is getting on a bit and has to struggle constantly against his natural cynicism. Lathander favours deeds over words, so well fits the life of an adventuring cleric.
Is there a permanent way to gain access to the Healing Domain as …
Sep 30, 2023 · \$\begingroup\$ HeyICanChan’s point is that clerics of Lathander can’t, officially, become radiant servants of Pelor. Radiant servant of Pelor requires that you worship Pelor—clerics of Lathander can’t qualify. So normally, this is a non-concern because radiant servants of Pelor worship Pelor, who does give the Healing domain.
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Jul 29, 2016 · Following the event known as the Second Sundering, he came back to his old self, separated from Lathander and turned LN again (5th edition). Jergal , the old Lord of the Dead, used to be LE . Then he relinquished most of his portfolio (which included undeath and tyranny) to Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul; and turned LN .
Is Bahamut still alive in the Forgotten Realms in 1489 DR?
Feb 16, 2017 · \$\begingroup\$ Possibly worth noting is that while the cited Nonhuman Deities table on PHB p.298 is separate from the Deities of the Forgotten Realms table, PHB p.293 states that said table is shared by both FR & Greyhawk and it should therefore be valid for FR.