Convert 200km/h to m/s - 3.6 Calculation Explained - Physics Forums
Oct 8, 2007 · because to cancel out KM into M u must multiply by 1000, and to turn hours into seconds you must divide by 3600... therefore you must divide km/h by 3.6 to turn something into m/s Oct 8, 2007 #3
How do I properly convert from km/h to m/s? - Physics Forums
Feb 29, 2012 · Homework Statement I am confusing myself when converting from km/h to m/s I understand that if you have 100km/h you take 100 * 1000 / 3600 = 27.78m/s But where i get confused is if you have 1km and you want meters you *1000 but if you have 1hr and you want seconds you also have to *3600...
Converting km/hr to m/s: What is the formula? - Physics Forums
Nov 23, 2007 · 100 km/h = 100 * 1000 m/3600 s = ... You just replace the km with 1000m, and the hour with 3600 s. This method always works and soon you don't even have to think about it. You can even do km/hr/minute or something weird like that.
How do you convert m/s^2 to km/h? - Physics Forums
Sep 22, 2004 · Oh, that would make sense wouldn't it, lol. I am trying to figure out this problem. A bus traveling at +29 km/h accelerates at a constant +3.7 m/s2 for 6.3 s.
Converting km/hr to m/s^2: What is the Formula? - Physics Forums
Sep 2, 2011 · Homework Statement Convert 83km/hr to m/s^2 Homework Equations Simple I know...but I still can't figure it out The Attempt at a Solution... Insights Blog -- Browse All Articles -- Physics Articles Physics Tutorials Physics Guides Physics FAQ Math Articles Math Tutorials Math Guides Math FAQ Education Articles Education Guides Bio/Chem Articles ...
Accelation problem, how do I change units (km/h to m/s)?
Aug 22, 2009 · I made a mistake I meant km/h to m/s^2. 1. ThrustSSC, the world's first supersonic car, accelerates from rest to 1000km/h in 16 s. What is its acceleration in m/s? 2.a=v/t = v-v 0 /t-0 3. I'm not sure how to change units (Professor didn't show me.), so can you please now all the work to the problem? Thanks in advance.
Asteroid 2024 YR4 has a 1% risk of a multi-megaton impact in 2032
Jan 27, 2025 · Glenn Horton-Smith February 15, 2025 at 9:14 am I'm confused why the "risk corridor" is so narrow. The JPL Horizons prediction for the asteroid's 2032 close approach has a 3 standard deviation uncertainty of about 20,000 km in the J2000 "Z" coordinate (which is the direction perpendicular to the equatorial plane, i.e., north/south on the map).
Easy Guide: Converting km/h to m/s in Physics Class
Feb 8, 2006 · There are 1000 m in one kilometer. There are 60 seconds in an hour. If you want to change from km/h to m/s, you need to divide by 1000 and multiply by 60. Think of it as multiplying by 1: 1 km/h * (1000m/km) * (1h/60s)= (1000/60) m/s
The baseball pitcher on an asteroid - Physics Forums
Sep 11, 2012 · A baseball pitcher can throw a fastball at a speed of 150 km/hr. What is the largest size spherical asteroid of density rho=3 g/cm^3 from which he can throw the ball fast enough that it: (a) escapes from the asteroid into heliocentric orbit? (b) rises to a height of 50 km? (c) goes into a stable orbit about the asteroid? Homework Equations i ...
Space shuttle releases a sattelite into a circular orbit - Physics …
Oct 12, 2007 · The space shuttle releases a sattelite into a circular orbit 680 km above the Earth. How fast must the shuttle be moving (relative to the Earth's center)...