Preparation - Making big ketamine rock crystals - Drugs-Forum
Dec 3, 2008 · Re: Making big ket rock crystals I have left liquid K to slowly evaporate in an airing cupboard which left quite big completely clear diamond shaped crystals around 1-1.5cm long.
Ketamine - Drugs-Forum
Feb 11, 2008 · Ketamine has been monitored in the EU since concerns first arose in 2000 about its misuse. At national level, ketamine is subject to controlled drugs legislation (as opposed to medicine regulations) in almost half of the EU Member States, and in Sweden and the United Kingdom, ketamine was listed as a narcotic substance in 2005 and 2006 ...
Movies to watch while on ketamine | Page 3 - Drugs-Forum
Mar 21, 2010 · Discussion in 'Ketamine' started by going thru it, Jan 30 ... Batman Begins rocks on nasal congestant, or ...
Ketamine - Drugs-Forum
Jul 9, 2005 · Combinations 200mg ketamine i.m. (w/ tolerance) + 1 line of high grade cocaine (no tolerance) ...
Question - Ketamine is it still a thing - Drugs-Forum
Nov 9, 2019 · Perhaps it's not as ubiquitous as cocaine, but ketamine is a very different substance. I doubt that cocaine has significantly reduced demand for ketamine, which still seems to be popular here in the UK. Fears grow that Ketamine use by young is on the rise in England. Frances Perraudin, The Guardian, 4 February 2019.
"Ketamine Dreams and Realities," by Karl Jansen | Drugs-Forum
Oct 16, 2005 · MAPS, the publisher of Karl Jansen's text, Ketamine Dreams and Realities have kindly put it online. Jansen is the leading expert on the recreational use of ketamine. This book is invaluable for anyone interested in vitamin K. Jansen writes about the pharmacology, culture and purported significance of ketamine.
Combining nitrous oxide with ketamine - Drugs-Forum
Jan 28, 2005 · The ketamine wiki will link to this post regarding the combination of nitrous oxide and ketamine. Please post any relevant knowledge and/or experiences. As far as I am concerned, they're similar but ketamine is so overpowering the nitrous isn't really noticed. Unless You does the nitrous in the very beginning or end of a ketamine trip, and they ...
TEK - Cooking/purifying the ketamine - Drugs-Forum
Mar 27, 2015 · - Took a small pan and added just a little bit of water to the ketamine (it was 1g K and about 15ml water). - Heat it up until all water has evaporized and the ketamine (sort of like an egg) can be scraped off the bottom. - End product is a very fine powder which should be snorted with cause, otherwise it'll leave in a small kCloud.
Injecting - How to IM inject Ketamine - Drugs-Forum
Jan 31, 2008 · To turn crystal Ketamine into liquid, add 1 gram of powder (hopefully pure) to 10 ml of distilled water (in the most sterile conditions You can set up.) This will yield 10ml of liquid. This liquid now contains 100mg Ketamine per ml; that's 100mg/ml. Now 1CC = 1ml = 100mg, which in SWIM's opinion is the perfect IM dose.
Ketamine Bladder Damage – What You Need To Know - Drugs …
Jan 28, 2022 · Ketamine Bladder Damage – What You Need To Know [IMG] Using ketamine can be fun, and recent studies have shown it to have antidepressant effects. (1)But using it too often can damage your bladder and result in a serious condition known as...