KEIM Royalan® Exclusiv 9115 (5kg) - Conserv®
KEIM Royalan is a mineral silicate based paint system that is breathable and suitable for traditional lime render although it can be used for all types of masonry including brick, stone and even ceramic tiles.
9115 HBW 67 RGB:R:235 G:212 B:179 9182 HBW 15 RGB:R:145 G:97B:82 9066 HBW 34 RGB: R:193G:153 B:98 9117 HBW 73 RGB: R:237G:220 B:197 9183 HBW 21 RGB:R:166 G:116 B:104 ... Farbwerte/Process colour codes KEIM Palette Exclusiv (Blatt/sheet 2) 9330 HBW 47 RGB: R:204G:184 B:134 9186 HBW 30 RGB: R:189G:139 B:122 9263 …
Nuanciers KEIM
Plus de 370 teintes minérales, intenses, uniques et intemporelles ! Chez KEIM, nous disposons de plusieurs nuanciers, créés au fil du temps, pour s'adapter à tous les supports : façade, intérieur, pierre naturelle, béton.
KEIM Exclusiv Color Collection
KEIM Exclusiv color fan deck is 275 of our historic best-selling colors arranged by color from tints to shades. Each swatch is 3 x 8″ and emulates the rich, velvet texture of mineral paints. Also includes MonochromeTöne colors. Experience the beauty of …
Exclusiv 9115 - Keim Paint Shop
Exclusiv 9115. Post navigation. ... Archives. No archives to show. Categories. No categories; Keep up to date with Keim. Sign up to receive our e-newsletter to keep informed of our recent projects, case studies and product launches. It’s safe, secure and spam free. Exterior Paints. Soldalit; Soldalit ME; Royalan; Granital ...
9115 | Keim Exclusiv 2006 - Wandfarben und Lacke bestellen
Innenfarben, Fassadenfarben und Lacke im Farbton 9115 aus der Kollektion Keim Exclusiv 2006 einfach online bestellen - im Fachhändlerportal.
KEIM 9115 - gypsumworksmalta.com
KEIM Soldalit ®- Click external paint system Data Sheet. A modern sol-silicate based paint for use on mineral and previously painted substrates. CONSUMPTION. 0.45 kg per square metre for two coats (smooth surface)-----
KEIM Biosil getönt 12,5 l - Palette Exclusiv 9115
"KEIM Biosil getönt 12,5 l - Palette Exclusiv 9115" Anwendungsfertige Silikatfarbe für Innen nach DIN EN 13300. Erfüllt auch die DIN 18363 Abs. 2.4.1, Dispersionssilikatfarbe.
Keim Royalan (Tinted) Keim 9115 25KG - brewers.co.uk
KEIM ROYALAN is a ready-to-use, mineral silicate paint system for exterior use in harsh weather conditions such as coastal, tropical and sub-tropical locations. The finish is a classic mineral paint with advanced formulation that can also be used on brick and tile.
KEIM EXCLUSIV 9115 - gypsumworksmalta.com
KEIM Optil ®- Click internal paint system Data Sheet. premium quality sol-silicate paint specifically formulated for elegant interior applications, giving intense, lightfast colour shades. CONSUMPTION. 0.22 lt per square metre for two coats-----
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