Joseph Odermatt - Wikipedia
Pope Peter III (Latin: Petrus PP. III; Spanish: Pedro III; born Markus Josef Odermatt; 13 March 1966), also known by the religious name Eliseo María de la Santa Faz, is the fourth Pope of …
Joseph Odermatt - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pope Peter III (born Markus Josef Odermatt on 13 March 1966 in Stans, Nidwalden, Switzerland [1]), is the 4th Pope of the Palmarian Catholic Church. He succeeded Gregory XVIII on 22 …
Former ski racer now on wrong side of law | VailDaily.com
Oct 19, 2004 · A Swiss ski racer in the 1960s and ’70s, Odermatt came to the United States and took the professional skiing tour by storm at a time when the French all but dominated ski …
His Holiness Pope Peter III – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana
His Holiness Pope Peter III, De Glória Ecclésiæ (From 22-4-2016 up till the present) In the world, Markus Josef Odermatt, afterwards Bishop Father Eliseo Mary. He was born in Stans, …
Joseph Odermatt — Wikipédia
Joseph Odermatt (né le 13 mars 1966), connu sous son nom religieux d'Eliseo María et sous son nom papal en tant qu'antipape Pierre III, est un prélat catholique indépendant suisse et l'actuel …
About: Joseph Odermatt - DBpedia Association
Joseph Odermatt, known by his religious name as Eliseo María and by his papal name as Peter III, is a Swiss Independent Catholic prelate and the current pope of the Palmarian Christian …
Joseph Odermatt - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Markus Josef Odermatt (Stans, Nidwalden, 13 de marzo de 1966), de nombre religioso Eliseo María de la Santa Faz y por su nombre papal como Pedro III, es el actual papa y líder de la …
Documents of Palmarian Pope Peter III – Magnus Lundberg
Jul 31, 2017 · He was succeeded by Bishop Eliseus Mary of the Holy Face and of Saint Joseph (Markus Josef Odermatt), who took Peter III as his papal name. In 2016, the new pope …
Joseph Odermatt – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Markus Josef Odermatt (ur. 13 marca 1966 w Stans) – szwajcarski duchowny, czwarty papież Kościoła Palmariańskiego jako Piotr III, od 22 kwietnia 2016 roku. Następca Grzegorza XVIII. …
Joseph Odermatt - hls-dhs-dss.ch
Präsident der kantonalen Konservativen Partei. 1937-1940 Landrat, 1940-1962 Regierungsrat (Armen- und Vormundschaftsdirektion, ab 1947 Erziehungsdirektion), 1955-1962 sechsmal …