Staff - London Academy of Excellence
Headteacher: mr Jan balon Having completed a degree in Politics from the University of Warwick, Jan initially trained through the Teach First programme and subsequently taught Humanities in schools in Tottenham and Edmonton, latterly as Vice Principal for the Curriculum at a large 11-18 Comprehensive - a position he held for three years.
Jan Balon - stss.flu.cas.cz
Jan Balon specializes in the study of formative periods in the history of social science. He is the author of 5 books including Sociological Theory (2007), The Society of Our Age (2011), Contemporary Sociological Theory (2011), Sociology in the USA (2011), History of Sociology in the Czech Republic (2017); and the editor of 6 collections.
Jan Balon - London Academy of Excellence Tottenham - LinkedIn
View Jan Balon’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Experience: London Academy of Excellence Tottenham · Education: University of Warwick · Location: London ·...
- 500+ connections
- Location: London Academy of Excellence Tottenham
Balon, Jan. “Nenaplněný příslib sociologické teorie: vzestup a pád americké sociologie ve druhé polovině dvacátého století.” (The Unfulfilled Promise of Sociological Theory: The Rise and Fall of American Sociology in the Second Half of
PhDr. Mgr. Jan Balon, Ph.D. | Fakulta sociálních věd UK - cuni.cz
E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +420 778 465 054 , +420 267 224 234 Rooms: No. C216, Jinonice, building C
PL30: Spurs honour inspirational headteacher - Premier League
Sep 24, 2022 · Jan Balon has been named Tottenham Hotspur's Premier League Community Captain in recognition of his incredible work in the local area as headteacher of the London Academy of Excellence Tottenham (LAET).
PhDr. Mgr. Jan Balon, Ph.D. - Univerzita Karlova
PhDr. Mgr. Jan Balon, Ph.D. Fakulta sociálních věd. e-mail. jan.balon fsv.cuni.cz. telefon +420 778 465 054 (ISS), +420 267 224 234 l. 234 (ISS) místnost. Jinonice, budova C » 2. nadzemní podlaží - 1. patro » C216. U Kříže 8, 158 00 Praha 5-Jinonice, Česká republika (ISS)
First Head appointed to London Academy of Excellence Tottenham
Highgate School and Tottenham Hotspur Football Club are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Jan Balon as Principal-Designate of the London Academy of Excellence, Tottenham, from 1st January 2017.
Balon, Jan | Czech Republic | IFZ | Interdisziplinäres ...
Jan Balon is the head of the department of Science, Technology, and Society Studies of the Czech Academy of Science. He specializes in the study of formative periods in the history of social science.
LAET Head named Spurs Community Captain | Highgate School
Sep 26, 2022 · We are delighted that Jan Balon, Head of our lead partner school London Academy of Excellence, Tottenham (LAET), has been named as Tottenham Hotspur’s Community Captain in recognition of his incredible work in the local area.