IRAP and REMAP for retrotransposon-based genotyping and
Jan 11, 2007 · Here, we describe protocols for the IRAP and REMAP techniques, including methods for PCR amplification with a single primer or with two primers and for agarose gel …
Efficiency of IRAP and ITS-RFLP marker systems in accessing …
DNA fragments were size-fractionated by electrophoresis through 1.5% agarose gels. The sizes were determined by comparison with their molecular weight relative to a DNA ladder …
Transposon-based tagging: IRAP, REMAP, and iPBS - PubMed
Here, we describe protocols for the IRAP, REMAP, and iPBS techniques, including methods for PCR amplification with a single primer or with two primers, and agarose gel electrophoresis of …
IRAP and REMAP for retrotransposon-based genotyping and
Here, we describe protocols for the IRAP and REMAP techniques, including methods for PCR amplification with a single primer or with two primers and for agarose gel electrophoresis of the …
Basic concepts and methodologies of DNA marker systems in …
Jul 21, 2021 · Agarose gel electrophoresis is used to reveal the IRAP profile. A single IRAP amplification reaction can generate several PCR products of varied sizes ranging 300 to 3000 …
IRAP and REMAP based genetic diversity among varieties of …
IRAP is generated based on the PCR amplification of genomic DNA fragments which lie between two retrotransposon insertion sites while REMAP is produced based on amplification of …
Transposon-Based Tagging: IRAP, REMAP, and iPBS
Dec 19, 2013 · Here, we describe protocols for the IRAP, REMAP, and iPBS techniques, including methods for PCR amplification with a single primer or with two primers, and agarose …
Here, we describe protocols for the IRAP and REMAP techniques, including methods for PCR amplification with a single primer or with two primers and for agarose gel electrophoresis of the …
Transposon-based tagging: IRAP, REMAP, and iPBS
Jan 13, 2014 · Here, we describe protocols for the IRAP, REMAP, and iPBS techniques, including methods for PCR amplification with a single primer or with two primers, and agarose gel …
(PDF) IRAP and REMAP for retrotransposon-based genotyping …
Feb 1, 2006 · We have developed two methods, retrotransposon-microsatellite amplified polymorphism (REMAP) analysis and inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism (IRAP) …