Why are methanol flames less visible than other flames?
Aug 23, 2014 · Methanol was also widely used as a fuel in the auto racing circuit, until fires that resulted from crashes or fuel filling accidents resulted in "invisible fires" that were difficult to …
How is it possible some substances burn with an invisible flame
I know some substances such as Methanol fuel burn invisibly, but according to the following picture, every black-body emitter still emits light at the blue part of the spectrum, even when …
energy - Is it possible that fire produces only invisible light ...
I was just wondering that is it ever possible that some object produces only invisible light when it catches fire? Something like invisible flames. If this is possible, can you please give one …
invisible fire | Hypixel Forums
Nov 12, 2019 · invisible fire. Thread starter neb101; Start date Jul 11, 2020 . Status Not open for further replies ...
Is there a texture pack to remove fire? | Hypixel Forums
Mar 7, 2022 · You can manually remove the fire texture using any type of image-editing software. The fire texture can be found at \assets\minecraft\textures\blocks, named "fire_layer_0" and …
Invisible fire resource pack | Hypixel Forums
Nov 4, 2021 · So i found a resource pack that makes it when you're on fire the fire is small but is there one that is just completely invisible for 1.8.9? Log in Register Join 27,000+ other online …
Invisible Fire Eels | Hypixel Forums
Jul 3, 2021 · So I recently found out that fire eels arent actually invisible, just something in a mod is making them that way. Name tag and health are still visible, just not the actual creature. …
optics - Shadow of fire doesn't exist - Physics Stack Exchange
Dec 2, 2017 · The fact that a fire has no shadow isn't technically true. The flame from a fire would contain soot particles which would scatter light hence creating a shadow. The problem is that …
Does fire emit black-body radiation? - Physics Stack Exchange
Jun 28, 2021 · Different bits of the fire have different characteristics, the spectrum of a flame would usually consist of discrete line radiation perhaps superposed on a weaker continuum. …
Why are there invisible blocks and invisible fire in bedwars in 1.16 ...
Jul 8, 2020 · Hey I have been playing bedwars for not that long (I started in June of 2020) so when I first played I was in 1.16 and stayed in 1.16 until a few months later, because my friend …