Proudly Indigenous Crafts & Designs - Seal Fur & Seal Skin Products
Proudly Indigenous Handmade Seal Fur Products. Support Indigenous Communities by buying a natural, eco-friendly, high quality and authentic seal fur product!
The “Amauti”: much more than just a seal parka - PIC&D
Apr 9, 2021 · Inuit Fashion Designers inspired by Amauti Design. Today, Inuit seamstresses are carrying on the traditions of their ancestors. Many are creating amautis that continue to be hugely popular as a baby carrying garment.
Seal Fur & Seal Skin Leather - Proudly Indigenous Crafts & Designs
Incredibly warm and durable, Seal fur and Seal skin is exceptionally versatile, biodegradable as well as beautiful silver-grey colouring.
When did seal fur become popular? - Proudly Indigenous Crafts
Feb 22, 2021 · Traditional Inuit clothing was designed out of necessity — to survive the harsh climate that was a stark reality for the Inuit people. The women, knowing it was essential to keep their community warm and protected from the elements made coats, trousers, mittens and boots.
Seal mittens with fox trim - Proudly Indigenous Crafts & Designs
Hand crafted, Inuit made contemporary Sealskin mittens. Embellished with a V often seen in traditional Inuit designs, trimmed in Fox Fur and fluffy pile lining these mittens will keep you warm while making a bold fashion statement.
Traditional Inuit Preparation of Seal Skins - PIC&D
Mar 26, 2021 · After seals are harvested and are skinned by the hunter, Inuit women move in quickly to prepare the seal skins for garment making. The skins immediately need to be cleaned and rinsed in fresh water to rid the skin of salt, fat and blood.
FAQ - Proudly Indigenous Crafts & Designs
Inuit and other Indigenous peoples have been using seal fur to fashion clothing, footwear, and shelter for thousands of years. Seal fur offers protection from the wind, cold, ice, and rain of the harsh northern climate.
Summary: How Indigenous people are strengthening fur traditions …
Feb 1, 2023 · Indigenous people believe fur can be a sustainable, respectful, and even luxury material for clothing, accessories, and art. They feel it is critical to retain fur’s significance in Indigenous cultures and traditional economics.
The seal: Part of traditions and cultural heritage
Apr 5, 2022 · The Silver fox fur adds a contemporary look and is backed with complimentary grey moose hide. Sealskin craft conveys Inuit culture. The growing number of contemporary Indigenous seamstresses are taking traditional Inuit design to a new level, putting the functional material to create anything unique and fashionable.
Choosing Between Faux Fur and Real Fur
Sep 15, 2021 · Which is better? Faux fur or real fur? Between the use of plastics, Canada's seal hunt, and Indigenous use of animals, let's see what's best.