Intra-prostatic urinary reflux: an aetiological factor in abacterial ...
Using a suspension of carbon particles it has been demonstrated that this can occur. It is suggested that this may be important both as a route of infection in bacterial prostatitis and as a cause of the inflammatory process in abacterial prostatitis. That urine might reflux into the prostatic ducts during micturition has never before been proved.
Chronic Prostatitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome in Men
Jan 11, 2024 · Intraprostatic ductal reflux of urine is also an important mechanism associated with the development of chronic bacterial prostatitis (NIH Category II) in which there is retrograde propulsion of urine and bacteria into the prostate ducts during micturition.
Intra‐prostatic Urinary Reflux: an Aetiological Factor in Abacterial ...
Summary— That urine might reflux into the prostatic ducts during micturition has never before been proved. Using a suspension of carbon particles it has been demonstrated that this can occur. It is...
Acute bacterial prostatitis is an acute infection of the prostate gland that causes pelvic pain and urinary tract symp-toms, such as dysuria, urinary frequency, and urinary retention, and may...
Intraprostatic Reflux of Urine Induces Inflammation in a Rat
Background: We examined whether urine reflux into the prostate can induce prostatic inflammation in a rat and evaluated the effect of α1-adrenoreceptor antagonist. Methods: Experiment 1: Male Sprague-Dawley rats were injected …
Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis - Medscape
Intraprostatic urinary reflux has been demonstrated in human cadavers and may play a role. Other possible routes of infection include hematogenous spread, migration of rectal bacteria via...
Sep 29, 2022 · In most cases, bacteria migrate from the urethra or bladder through the prostatic ducts, with intraprostatic reflux of urine (figure 1). As a result, there may be concomitant infection in the bladder or epididymis.
Everything about Chronic Prostatitis - Georgiadis Urology
Figures 7 & 8: Intraurethral-intraprostatic reflux of urine enabling the transfer of microbes inside the intraprostatic glandular ducts. As a result of the relux, the urethral wall (represented in green in the second image) thickens and the diameter of the urethra (represented in yellow internally of the wall) is shrinking, which in turn makes ...
[Intraprostatic urinary reflux associated prostatitis caused by …
Objective: To investigate the pathogenesis of chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP / CPPS) by constructing the rat model of intraprostatic urinary reflux associated prostatitis caused by partial urethral obstruction.
The aetiology and presenting symptoms of men with prostatic reflux
A recognised cause of bacterial and abacterial CP/CPPS is intra-prostatic reflux (PR) (3). PR can occur when there is increased urethral resistance distal to the prostatic ducts during periods of raised detrusor pressure. Underlying aetiologies can be functional or anatomical.