Iaido Katas - Black Belt Wiki
There are 12 Seitei Iaido Katas (4 sitting katas and 8 standing katas). If you are searching for information on other katas (i.e. Kendo), please visit the main Katas section. Seitei Iaido Katas. Katas to perform when grading to: Fifty percent of your grading relies on your bow in and out.
Iaido Kata Seitei 01-12 - YouTube
I have edited this video to help you practice the Seitei Iaido Kata 01-12 .
ZNKR Seitei Iai : les 12 Kata fédéraux représentatifs du Iaido
Le ZNKR Seitei Iai se compose de 12 kata représentatifs qui servent de base pour l'enseignement et les passages de grades fédéraux en Iaido.
Iaido-Kata - Iaido-Nord
We learn Seitei-Kata as basic forms (Kihon) inspired by the rules of the ZNKR (Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei). The following description of the kata includes some questions for critical checking of your forms (to come soon). This subserves for own practice and for iaido dan examination.
Musoshindenkoryu Iaido - Agassiz Dojo - Kata
Here at the Agassiz dojo, in addition to the more advanced koryu kata, we place a strong emphasis on learning the 12 seitei iaido kata. Seitei Iaido, commonly known as "standard Iaido" was established by the All Japan Kendo Federation (Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei, hereafter ZNKR).
ZNKR seitei iai - Kampai Budokai
The following links lead to (heavily) illustrated descriptions of the twelve ZNKR seitei Iai kata. The illustrations are from a demonstration by Miyata Tadayuki sensei, Iaido 8-dan Kyoshi, Kendo 7-dan Kyoshi, during the 8th European Iaido Championships - November 2001 in Brussels.
Découvrez les 12 Katas du Zen Ken Ren Iaido - Koshin Ryu Dojo
Le Iaido est plus qu’un art martial ; c’est une voie de vie qui enseigne l’harmonie entre l’esprit, le corps, et le sabre. Au cœur de cette pratique se trouvent les 12 katas du Zen Ken Ren Iaido, fruits d’une histoire riche et d’une évolution constante.
The following links lead to (heavily) illustrated descriptions of the twelve ZNKR seitei Iai kata. The illustrations are from a demonstration by Miyata Tadayuki sensei, Iaido 8-dan Kyoshi, Kendo 7-dan Kyoshi, during the 8th European Iaido Championships - November 2001 in Brussels.
Northern California Iaido Association - NCKF
Seitei Iaido currently has 12 forms, or kata. The first four forms begin from a sitting position. The remaining eight from standing positions. History of Seitei Iaido kata. After the re-establishment of Kendo in post war Japan, the All Japan Kendo Federation (Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei) was established in 1953 as an umbrella organization to unify ...
Iaido - Wikipedia
The twelve Seitei iaido forms (seitei-gata) are standardised for the tuition, promotion and propagation of iaido at the iaido clubs, that are members of the regional Kendo federations. All dojos, that are members of the regional Kendo federations teach this set.
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