Who was the bigger genius? Tony Stark or Hank Pym?
In quantum mechanics Hank Pym probably would solve an equation faster and within his specialty he's unparalleled (since there is no Reed Richards or Victor Von Doom to challenge him). …
Respect Hank Pym : r/respectthreads - Reddit
Oct 17, 2014 · Hank Pym is a biochemist, world expert in xenobiology, one of the smartest humans in the Marvel universe, and one of the original Avengers. He has taken on many …
The real reason Hank Pym hates Howard Stark : r/marvelstudios
Jun 16, 2022 · In the opening flashback scene from 1989 at the start of Ant-Man, Hank Pym expresses his disdain for Tony's father, Howard Stark, and his attempts to replicate the Pym …
Respect Ultimate Henry Pym (Marvel, 1610) : r/respectthreads
Dec 17, 2018 · Respect Pym. You shouldn't have made me look so small. Henry "Hank" Pym was a genius scientist recruited early on in his life to help create super soldiers. With his area of …
Hank Pym's Treatment of Janet Is Very Different From How Other …
Hank Pym, outside of a handful of mini’s and brief stints in his own feature in the 60’s, had basically always been a supporting character. Not to denigrate him, but just to be clear, he …
Why is Hank Pym a wife beater, but not Peter Parker? : r/Marvel
Jan 14, 2014 · Spider-Man has countless stories that rate right up there in the annals of all-time greatest super-hero stories ever. While personally think Hank Pym is one of the most …
ELI5: Didn't Hank Pym create Ultron? : r/Marvel - Reddit
Mar 4, 2015 · Hank Pym did indeed create Ultron in the comics, but not in the movies. Instead, Tony Stark took the mantle as Ultron's creator. This is due to Ant-Man coming out after …
Why Hank Pym stands among Marvel's greatest and most heroic
Aug 31, 2022 · The best Hank Pym he could be. I then did some skimming, but the vibe l got was that the era of Bendis basically saw Hank reduced to little more than a punching bag/butt …
Was Hank Pym ruined by the slap, or Marvel's handling of it?
I would argue that The Ultimates making Hank an outright abuser was also a huge factor. Sure, basically every character was given "edgier" revamp in that story, but it's not like the Hulk, for …
Should Hank Pym have been Ant-Man in the MCU instead of Scott …
Dec 15, 2020 · Hank Pym's Ant-Man is probably one of my favorite characters in all of Marvel, and while I like Scott Lang fine, I think Hank Pym is a much more interesting character in the …