How do I play with only one base station? : r/Vive - Reddit
The modes on your lighthouse base stations matter. Use 'A' and 'B' if you have a sync cable between them. Use 'B' and 'C' for optical sync. Protip: if for some reason you are only using 1 base station, use mode 'A' as 'B' is locked to 30 htz. Bit more details: 'B' is master. In a 2 base station setup you always need a 'B'. 'A' is sync cable slave.
Base station Blinking Red light : r/Vive - Reddit
Apr 23, 2022 · The other Base Station must be using channel C. With Sync Cable One Base Station must be using channel A. The other Base Station must be using channel B. For wireless Base Station configurations, confirm the following symptoms: The channel C Base Station has a Purple LED. When the HMD faces the channel C Base Station, the tracking will be lost.
Base station basics, do's, and don'ts : r/Vive - Reddit
Jul 13, 2017 · Base Stations facilitate the VR experience entirely. They are the proxy in between the computer, the peripherals, and the user. They're not a proxy, at all, either figuratively, or literally. if there is a disconnect between the customers’ game play decisions and the Base Station output, there will inevitably be issues in Base Station tracking
Power Adapter Answers : r/Vive - Reddit
Sep 6, 2016 · People who need a new power adapter for their HTC Vive base station or link box and have no idea what to buy and/or don't want to mess things up. This was my story not long ago, so I decided to share what I've learned and save you some time. Link Box adapter. The adapter for a link box is a 12V AC adapter.
Base Station Blinking Green After Doing Manual Reset Fix : r/Vive
May 10, 2021 · 2. Unplug the power adapter from the back of the Base Station. 3. Connect the Base Station to the computer with a USB cable. 4. Press and hold the channel button. 5. Connect the power adapter to the back of the Base Station and then plug it into a working power outlet. 6. You can release the button once it enumerates as a USB mass storage device 7.
Base station blinking red( fixed) : r/Vive - Reddit
Feb 9, 2017 · tools\lighthouse\firmware\lighthouse_tx\archive\htc_2.0 You will need two files: lighthouse_tx_htc_2_0-calibration-rescue-244.bin lighthouse_tx_htc_2_0-244-2016-03-12.bin WARNING: You should not attempt this fix unless your base stations are really broken. While it should be harmless, there is a non-zero chance it could make things worse. If ...
Base station 1.0 Blinking Red (update breaks it) : r/Vive - Reddit
Nov 13, 2021 · about 2 weeks ago i purchased 3 tracker 3.0s and 2 base station 1.0s. I updated both, one works and is perfectly fine. the other refuses to power on though. after rolling back the base station, it powers on but the light is blinking red. Is the red light going to brick my base station after some time or is it fine to just leave it?
HTC Vive Base Station 1.0 Blinking Red : r/Vive - Reddit
Repeat the steps 1 through 10 but using the lighthouse_tx_htc_2.0-436-2016-09-20.bin firmware file instead of the rescue one. The base station should now be working again, confirm by setting its mode to "A" and tracking with it alone (the other base station should be turned off). Once it is confirmed working you can add back the other base station.
How to repair v1.0 lighthouses / base stations (IR Laser Diode)
Aug 3, 2019 · I've had my Vive for a couple years now, but it's been sitting in a box ever since I moved. This past weekend I tried to set it up so I could play again, and found that both of my base stations had failed. I contacted HTC support, sent them some pictures, and they told me they could repair the base stations for $90 each. That's not going to happen.
r/Vive on Reddit: blinking red dot on 1.0 base station...
Jan 11, 2022 · Repeat the steps 1 through 10 but using the lighthouse_tx_htc_2.0-436-2016-09-20.bin firmware file instead of the rescue one. The base station should now be working again, confirm by setting its mode to "A" and tracking with it alone (the other base station should be turned off). Once it is confirmed working you can add back the other base station.