HMS Jervis Bay
The men aboard the British warship HMS Jervis Bay had no illusions about the deadly risks of steaming straight into the fire of a German pocket battleship
Convoy HX84 Battle - HMS Jervis Bay
HMS Jervis Bay continues to receive more punishment. The next salvo blew the gun opposite Patience right off the forecastle, along with its mounting and its crew. The shells arrived at a horrific velocity.
The Bay Ships War Service - HMS Jervis Bay
Jervis Bay was the first 'warship' to tie up in the historic Hamilton Harbour. HMS Jervis Bay escorted convoys from Bermuda to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She escorted the convoys (BHX 041; BHX 044; BHX 048; HX 051 - from Halifax itself; BHX 058;) from Bermuda, up until the middle of July 1940.
Armed Merchant Cruisers - HMS Jervis Bay
The Jervis Bay, built originally as a passenger ship to carry emigrants to Australia, was taken over by the Admiralty in August 1939. Seven 6-inch guns, dating from the turn of the century, were distributed around her decks.
Crew Awards - HMS Jervis Bay
"In honoured memory of Captain E.S. Fogarty Fegen V.C. Officers and men of HMS Jervis Bay, who gave their lives in gallant action against overwhelming odds with a German raider in the North Atlantic November 5, 1940 in order that 36 ships under their care might be saved."
Fegen Awarded VC - HMS Jervis Bay
Hero of H.M.S. Jervis Bay, Lost with Ship, is Honored. London, Nov. 17 - (C.P.) - A sturdy Irish captain - Fogarty Fegen - who went down with his ship, H.M.S. Jervis Bay, her guns blazing and her colors flying, was awarded the Victoria Cross posthumously yesterday.
Crew Insight - HMS Jervis Bay
Here is the best information we have to date of the breakdown of the various services that comprised the crew of the HMS Jervis Bay on the fateful day. ROYAL NAVY (RN) There were actually not that many of the 255 crewmen who sailed …
70th Anniversary - HMS Jervis Bay
A 70th anniversary memorial service to commemorate the loss of HMS Jervis Bay was held at The Historic Dockyard Chatham, in Kent. Relatives of those aboard the converted cruise liner exchanged stories and memories with other relatives, as …
The Bay Ships - HMS Jervis Bay
The sole remaining Clyde-built 'Bay' remained in service for the Aberdeen & Commonwealth Line upon the Southampton/Brisbane route, in consort with Moreton Bay, Esperance Bay (2) and Jervis Bay, until the outbreak of WWII.
Captains - HMS Jervis Bay
There were three Captains of HMS Jervis Bay during WW2, from its commencement in 1939, until the ship's demise of 5th November, 1940. The story of Captain Fogarty Fegen is covered elsewhere on this site.