Greek Alphabet | The Greek Alphabet, Greek Letter, Greek …
Greek Letters today are used for writing modern greek and symbols in mathematics and science. The Greek alphabet has its origin in the Phoenician alphabet and in turn gave rise to the …
Ancient Greek Alphabet - Greece.com
The Greek alphabet initially adopted all 22 letters of the Phoenician alphabet, some of them in different ways, while new letters were also introduced. Greek was originally written from right …
Greek Numbers - Greece.com
The Greek numerical system represented all integers from 1 to 999 with the Greek letters, along with the help of punctuation marks, which were: The stress mark ‘ : after the letter The comma …
Greek Letter Eta | Ήτα - Η | Greece.com
Greek Letter Eta (Ήτα - Η) In Semitic "η" a consonant, but the Greeks used it as their "long a" sound. On the continent, e often takes what we call the "long a" sound.
Greek Letter Kappa | Κάππα - Κ | Greece.com
Greek Letter Kappa (Κάππα - Κ) Kappa came right from the Semitic languages unchanged into Greek and passed into Latin and English for the "k" sound. "K" Letter in mathematics and in …
Greek Culture - Greece.com
The Greek language, which is a member of the Indo – European family, emerged during the pre – historic Mycenaean civilization as the Linear B script and evolved to form the Attic Greek, …
Psychiko Athens - Greece.com
General Information on Psychiko. Psychiko is a Suburb of Athens in Attiki in Athens in the Attica Region of Greece.. Psychiko is also a Town hall and a Residential area.. The postal code of …
Alexander the Great | Megas Alexandros, Μέγας ... - Greece.com
After that, no other Greek city openly defied Alexander again. In 334 BC, Alexander started his march against the Persians, invading from Hellespont. Although the Macedonian army was …
Greek Civilization | Greek Empire - Greece.com
Three centuries later, in the 8th century BC, Greece started emerging from the Dark Ages, adopting and later modifying the Phoenician alphabet, thus creating the Greek alphabet. …
Greek Letter Beta | Βήτα - Β | Greece.com
Greek Letter Beta (Βήτα - Β) " Beta " is supposed to be the picture of a house, with two stories. " Beta " has the same ancestors with "Beth", Hebrew for "house", given to many Jewish …