Gonyaulax - Wikipedia
Gonyaulax is a genus of dinoflagellates with the type species Gonyaulax spinifera (Claparède et Lachmann) Diesing. Gonyaulax belongs to red dinoflagellates and commonly causes red tides. It can produce yesotoxins: for example, strains of Gonyaulax spinifera from New Zealand are yessotoxin producers. [4]
膝溝藻屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
膝溝藻屬 (學名: Gonyaulax),其物種一般稱作 膝溝藻 ([1],是 双鞭毛虫门 的一個屬, 模式種 是 具刺膝沟藻 (Gonyaulax spinifera (Claparède et Lachmann) Diesing)。 本屬物種是已知可引起 赤潮 的一個 甲藻 的屬 [2]。 本属包括以下物种: Gonyaulax inflata (Kof.) Kof., 1911. Gonyaulax kofoidii Pavill. Gonyaulax monacantha Pavill. Gonyaulax sphaeroidea Kof. 赤潮 是因為海水被諸如膝溝藻屬物種這類有顏色的細胞在海洋中泛濫,從而令海水看起來像變了顏色似的 …
Gonyaulax | Marine Algae, Dinoflagellates, Plankton | Britannica
Gonyaulax, genus of dinoflagellate algae (family Gonyaulacaceae) that inhabit marine, fresh, or brackish water. Several planktonic species are toxic and are sometimes abundant enough to colour water and cause the phenomenon called red tide, which may kill fish and other animals.
2.22: Gonyaulax - A Dinoflagellate - Biology LibreTexts
Oct 13, 2021 · Gonyaulax is representative of a n important group of unicellular organisms, the Pyrrophyta (sometimes called Dinophyta). The common name for the group is the dinoflagellates. Like the Euglenophyta, the group contains both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic forms.
Gonyaulax: a dinoflagellate – Inanimate Life - Geneseo
Gonyaulax is representative of a n important group of unicellular organisms, the Pyrrophyta (sometimes called Dinophyta). The common name for the group is the dinoflagellates. Like the Euglenophyta, the group contains both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic forms.
来源图书: 渤黄海沉积硅藻与甲藻 来源层级: 第二章 沉积硅藻和甲藻的生物多样性 / 第二节 渤黄海常见沉积甲藻孢囊 / 一、自养型甲藻孢囊 / 膝沟藻类孢囊 / 膝沟藻属
藻类志库|物种详情|膝沟藻|Gonyaulax sp.
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六、膝沟藻目Gonyaulacales - 藻类百科
Feb 28, 2023 · 角藻科是膝沟藻目的第一大科,本科最显著的特征,有2~4个角,有的角 由沟后板组成,有的角由1 和相邻的6~7个甲板组成。 角藻科有13属,其中 主要的为角藻属,除了角藻属外,其他均为化石种类。 角藻属Ceratium Schrank. 角藻是最常见的浮游甲藻之一,通常为单细胞,有时几个细胞连成链状。 具甲类,细胞小型到大型,长可达1 mm以上。 细胞有2~4个中空的角,角的顶 端开口或封闭。 顶角 (前角)1个,底角 (后角)2或3个,某些海生种只有一个底 角发 …
膝沟藻属 - 百度百科
链条膝沟藻 (G. catenella)有时数量丰富得足以使海水变色,这种现象称为赤潮 (red tide),可毒杀许多鱼类和其他动物。 人吃了已经摄食大量链条膝沟藻的贻贝,可能会中毒。 膝沟藻属是腰鞭毛虫的一个属。
Genus: Gonyaulax | Dinoflagellate - UCSC
Genus: Gonyaulax | Dinoflagellate. Common West Coast species: G. spinifera, G. polyedra. Order: Gonyaulacales. Family: Gonyaulacaceae. Click on illustration to enlarge. Description: Armored, ovoid to fusiform cells with chloroplasts. Some species form benthic cysts. Distinguished by descending cingulum up to 6x girdle width. Cell Size: Width 25 ...