GO OUT | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
GO OUT definition: 1. to leave a room or building, especially in order to do something for entertainment: 2. to have…. Learn more.
GO OUT中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
go out翻译:外出, (尤指为了去娱乐)外出,出门参加社交活动, 关系, (与某人)谈恋爱(通常有性关系), 海, 退潮,落潮, 光/火, 熄灭, 运动, (在比赛中)被淘汰,出局。
go out 不是简单地只有“出去”的意思,它还有其他丰富多彩的用法
go 对应的短语动词不计其数,其中短语动词 go out 的意思就有十几种,所以应该根据不同的上下文翻译成对应的意思。 Let's go out and look at the stars. 我们出去看看星星吧。 I went out for a cigarette. 我出去抽烟了。 The children went out to play in the snow. 孩子们出去在雪地里玩。 She goes out a lot. 她经常外出参加社交活动。 I'm going out tonight. 我今晚要出去玩。 Those two have such an obvious chemistry that I'm surprised they've never gone out.
going out是什么意思_going out的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱 …
爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供going out的中文意思,going out的用法讲解,going out的读音,going out的同义词,going out的反义词,going out的例句等英语服务。
记住:Go out不只是“出去”,用错会尴尬! - 知乎专栏
1、Go out 异性朋友间的约会. 在美国文化里,男女之间要多次约会,确定双方是合适的人之后,才会正式确定这段关系,而在这种暧昧期的约会就可以用go out,相当于低配版的date! I dated him when I was in college. 我在大学的时候和他约会过。
GO OUT中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary
What time do you want to go out? Tony forgot to take an umbrella when he went out. I hope it doesn't rain. He's just gone out. Can I take a message? How long have you been going out with him? 你跟他戀愛有多長時間了? They'd been going out (together/with each other) for almost five years before he moved in with her. 在他搬過來和她同居之前,他們已經談了將近五年戀愛。
“go out”不只是“出去”,可不能随便说!会错意了超尴尬!
Oct 7, 2024 · 提到“go out”很多人的第一反应都是“出去”,但大多数人也只知道这一个意思。 其实,“go out”不只有“出去”的意思,作为一种比较常见的表达,如果会错意了可能会很尴尬 ... “go out”不只是“出去”,可不能随便说!
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 Going Out是什么意思_Going Out的中文解释和发音_Going Out的翻译_Going Out …
『欧路词典』为您提供Going Out的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的Going Out的中文意思,Going Out的读音,Going Out的同义词,Going Out的反义词,Going Out的例句。
going out是什么意思_going out的音标_going out的发音_going out …
He only really started going out with girls at college. 他上大学的时候才真正开始和女孩子约会。 They avoid going out alone after dark. 他们避免在天黑以后独自外出。 They used to enjoy going out to dine. 他们以前很喜欢出去吃饭。 I'm just going out for a breath of fresh air. 我正要出去呼吸新鲜空气. Marriage seems to be going out of fashion. 婚姻似乎快要过时了。 He posted up his day book before going out.
英语短语 | Go out vs hang out 出去走走 vs 一起玩耍 - 英文之旅
Feb 26, 2020 · 首先,“go out” 的基本含义是 “离开家出去进行一项活动”,通常用来表示 “出门进行一项娱乐或社交活动”,也就是口语里常说的 “出去玩”。 比如:I’m going out with some workmates tonight.