Gelidium - Wikipedia
Gelidium is a genus of thalloid red algae comprising 134 species. Its members are known by a number of common names. [note 1] Specimens can reach around 2–40 cm (0.79–16 in) in …
Gelidium | genus of red algae | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
red algae, (division Rhodophyta), any of about 6,000 species of predominantly marine algae, often found attached to other shore plants. Their morphological range includes filamentous, …
Gelidium - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Gelidium is a small, slow growing plant, and although efforts to cultivate it in tanks and ponds have been biologically successful, it has so far proved to be uneconomic. Gelidium grows best …
Gelidium amansii - Wikipedia
Gelidium amansii, also known as by its Korean name umutgasari, [1] is an economically important species of red algae commonly found and harvested in the shallow coast (3 to 10 m or 10 to …
Gelidium sesquipedale - Wikipedia
Gelidium sesquipedale is a commercially important species of red algae. It is a thalloid seaweed, branching on a single axis. A clonal species, it grows in stands on rocky bottoms in the …
A concise review of the potential utilization based on bioactivity …
May 29, 2023 · Gelidium is one of the agar-producing red macroalgae and has been used as sea vegetable, human food and as traditional herb medicine in East Asian countries. Gelidium has …
GELIDIUM Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of GELIDIUM is a genus of red algae (family Gelidiaceae) having cartilaginous terete or compressed much-branched fronds and cystocarps immersed in swollen branchlets …
Jellyweeds (Genus Gelidium) - iNaturalist
Gelidium is a genus of thalloid red algae comprising 124 species.Its members are known by a number of common names. Specimens can reach around 2–40 cm (0.79–16 in) in size. …
Gelidium seaweed - TheAlgaeHunter
Jun 15, 2023 · Gelidium is a small, delicate seaweed found in warm, temperate, and tropical regions worldwide. It belongs to the red seaweed group called Rodophyta. Gelidium is an …
Gelidium | Article about Gelidium by The Free Dictionary
Gelidium is used for preparing agar-agar, especially in Japan. Gelidium is found in negligible quantities in the USSR in the Sea of Japan and the Black Sea.