The 9 Gamut Procedure and Eye Movements Explained - EFT ... - EFT …
The 9 Gamut Procedure is part of the EFT Full Basic Recipe. It involves 9 actions performed while tapping the “gamut” point on the Triple Warmer acupuncture meridian on the back of the hand. It includes behaviors designed to engage both the left and right hemispheres of the brain, as well as eye movements.
Gamut Point - The Ultimate Guide | Tapping School
The Gamut point is part of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a practice that incorporates tapping acupressure points for pain and emotional relief. This comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know from finding your Gamut point to mastering the 9 Gamut Procedure.
The Ultimate Guide to the Gamut Point in EFT Tapping: Everythi...
The Gamut point is a unique Tapping point because it’s connected to parts of the brain involved in memory processing and emotional regulation. When we stimulate the Gamut point while performing specific eye movements and actions, we can help our brains process information in …
9 Gamut Point Procedure: A Powerful Technique For Trauma
Aug 13, 2024 · The 9 Gamut Point Procedure is particularly effective for addressing deep-seated trauma and persistent emotional issues that may not be fully resolved through standard EFT tapping alone. It is useful for cases where there is high emotional charge, difficulty shifting emotional states, or complex trauma involving multiple layers of issues.
What Everybody Ought to Know about EFT’s 9 Gamut Procedure
One of the most powerful techniques found in Clinical EFTâ„¢ is the 9 Gamut Procedure. It’s drawn from Thought Field Therapy (TFT), and uses eye movements to process traumatic memories. Research dating back as far as WWII finds a link between psychological trauma and eye movements.
What Is EFT The Basic Recipe? - EFT Universe
The Gamut Point is located on the back of the hand a half inch behind the midpoint between the knuckles at the base of the ring finger and the little finger. You perform these 9 steps while tapping the Gamut point continuously, they are: 1. Eyes closed. 2. Eyes open. 3. Eyes down hard right while holding the head steady. 4.
EFT Tapping Points – The Energy Therapy Centre London
The "Gamut" point is a special point used in the 9-Gamut procedure. It is found on the back of either hand and is about 15mm behind and between the knuckles at the base of the ring finger and the little finger.
9 Gamut Treatment (9 Gamut Procedure) - energyeft.com
Nov 2, 2009 · The 9 Gamut Point can be found just behind the knuckles of the little finger and ring finger on either hand. The 9 Gamut treatment belongs to Classic EFT and has been omitted in Energy EFT. For more details please refer to https://energyeft.com/change_classic_eft_heartnsoul.htm#9_Gamut_Treatment
Gamut Point Guardian: An Amazing Function of the ... - EFT …
Jul 28, 2012 · The Gamut Point has always been considered as important and in fact, many practitioners use the “9-point Gamut Procedure” at the end of all issues to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
The 9 Gamut procedure is a ten second process when nine of these "brain stimulating" actions are performed whilst continually tapping the Gamut point on the back of the hand. To perform the 9 Gamut procedure, first locate the gamut point on the back of your hand. It is 1cm (1/2 inch) behind the midpoint between the knuckle of the ring and little