How good a rifle is the G36? And why are the Germans replacing …
The G36 was a rifle designed to maximize profits for HK due to its design. This is due to its design of using polymer in a lots of places that no other rifle does. The issues that came up with the …
G36K vs M4 : r/insurgency - Reddit
May 27, 2019 · The g36 would probably be the best choice for bullet efficiency (slower ROF) and the recoil should be a little less because of the ROF. But I still choose my M4 because …
G36 vs M4 :: Insurgency: Sandstorm General Discussions - Steam …
Dec 15, 2018 · I know the M4 costs more points but realistically why does it shoot so much better than the G36? Both use the same cartridge and are modern rifles made for western armies. …
G36 vs M4 :: Insurgency: Sandstorm General Discussions - Steam …
Dec 15, 2018 · G36 at times feels like a glorified SMG. I prefer g36k much more than m4. It is cheaper, supports launchers, and has excellent recoil and high accuracy in single fire. I must …
g36 vs m4? : r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS - Reddit
Mar 5, 2021 · Where as the M4 is more predictable so you can better use your load-out, discouraging trying for a lucky spray. The G36C base stats are very similar to the M4, but with …
M4 vs AK vs AUG vs G36? : r/airsoft - Reddit
M4s use the V2 gearbox and the other three use the V3 gearbox (most parts are the same in V2 and V3), so there's tons of options for high quality and cheap internal upgrades and …
Military G36 or Lightweight M4 : r/thedivision - Reddit
Feb 19, 2018 · The m4 is your best bet, always. Sure, the g36 hits harder, but the m4 shoots faster and more accurately. Having said that, deadly is kind of a waste on assault rifles. It's …
What is the rationale behind running M4 over g36? : r/thedivision
Mar 29, 2018 · 17 votes, 66 comments. Earlier this week I picked up the LWM4 being sold at the advanced weapons vendor, re-rolled Capable into Responsive.
Military G36 vs Lightweight M4 : r/The_Division - Reddit
Jan 4, 2017 · M4 Pros: Higher RPM M4 Cons: Recoil Management (Having to burst fire or load a metric fuck ton of stability) G36 Pros: Recoil Management (Shoots lasers) G36 Cons: Lower …
R4C or G36C for Ash : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
Jul 17, 2021 · the g36c is more accurate, since it has lower recoil and magnifying scope, plus angled grip which makes for quick engagement. if you can hit headshots, it's good. the r4-c, …