Question regarding Flamme's barrier in Granat... : r/Frieren - Reddit
Dec 28, 2023 · Join the Frieren Discord Server for more discussions about the series! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
So what exactly does it mean to be a “Great Mage”? : r/Frieren
Most likely a matter of deeds. Serie is the most powerful non-demon mage in the world and founder of the Continental Magic Association, Flamme is the most celebrated human mage in history recognized for her efforts to legalize magic back when it was considered taboo and demonic, and Frieren is the mage of the Hero Party that ended the threat of the Demon King …
What did Flamme exactly mean by saying Frieren is a mage of a
Frieren would rather live in a world without needing to fight but is willing to fight if needed. Serie and Flamme can’t imagine living in a world without conflict. For example Frieren is fine with Fern learning/using any spells outside of combat. But for combat …
The dark subtext of Great Mage Flamme, Frieren, and Einsam the …
Mar 12, 2021 · Given how much respect Frieren had for Flamme, and how accurate the phantoms are, she probably didn't look down on her enough to just imagine her begging for her life but she might have actually experienced it. Frieren brushing off Fern when she asks what she "meant by begging" also implies that it's not something Frieren wants to talk about.
Is the relationship between Frieren and Fern a parallel or ... - Reddit
Nov 2, 2023 · Frieren also made insensitive remarks, like telling the Hero party that they were to die soon anyway, so it didn't matter that they thought she was a first-class mage. When Frieren delivered Flamme's will to Serie and told her about Flamme's prediction of Serie's reaction, the grandma decided to have a talk with her grandchild.
Strength of Frieren : r/Frieren - Reddit
The best we got was Flamme implying in a flashback that even Serie couldnt beat the demon king but that Frieren should eventually be able to. That should speak volumes of the absurd strength of the demon king but also the level frieren and co were at the time to be able to beat him.
Who do you think stronger? : r/Frieren - Reddit
Interestingly, Frieren’s mimic was able to use her ultimate, last-gasp technique against Fern, which, to me, implies Fern sees the world like Serie rather than Frieren; Fern couldn’t perceive the technique pinning her to the wall as magic, and thus couldn’t counter it, because the world view generating that magic is alien to her.
Are Frierens earrings from Flamme? : r/Frieren - Reddit
Mar 29, 2024 · Use spoilers responsibly and tag them. As an example, >!Frieren is cute.!< will appear as this: Frieren is cute. Follow the 24-hours-rule. Keep posts related to the latest chapter/episode in its discussion thread for 24 hours after its English release. Join the Frieren Discord Server for more discussions about the series!
Frieren: Mana levels - How much mana do each of the ... - Reddit
The technique Frieren was taught by Flamme involved restricting her mana to 1/10 of her actual capacity. Flamme was Serie's apprentice, hence, it is likely that Serie was the one who taught Flamme. Yet that's not what happened, Macht put up a fight and Serie didn't insta-kill him (to be fair, her disciples convinced her to act that way), but ...
The spell to create a field of flowers - by @KW7MD8FEWT7lMXx
It's that, and the fact that Frieren gets results. Frieren was in the party that killed the demon king. Frieren had the closer bond with Flamme. Frieren is able to express affection to her disciple without Fern having to go duel a famous elf to the death. Frieren was able to undo Serie's barrier during the first test.