Phylloxera - Wikipedia
Galls made by D. vitifoliae on leaf of Vitis sp.. Grape phylloxera is an insect pest of grapevines worldwide, originally native to eastern North America.Grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira …
Filoxéra – Wikipédia
Európában először Franciaországban bukkant fel 1863-ban.Az itteni, európai szőlőket termesztő gazdák, nem ismerve fel a kártevő életkörülményeit, sokáig nem tudtak védekezni ellene. …
Grape Phylloxera / Grape / Agriculture: Pest Management …
Grape phylloxera is a tiny aphidlike insect that feeds on roots of Vitis vinifera grape and certain rootstocks, stunting growth of vines or killing them. This pest prefers heavy clay soils that are …
Great French Wine Blight - Wikipedia
A cartoon from Punch from 1890: The phylloxera, a true gourmet, finds out the best vineyards and attaches itself to the best wines. [1]The Great French Wine Blight was a severe blight of the …
What is Grape Phylloxera | Wine Folly
What was the cause of the grape phylloxera destruction and how come there is still no cure?. What is Grape Phylloxera? Phylloxera is a microscopic louse or aphid, that lives on and eats …
The Complete Guide to Phylloxera - Wine-Searcher
Sep 13, 2019 · Grape phylloxera is a tiny pale yellow, aphid like insect from the Phylloxeridae family, within the Hempitera order of bugs. It was described in the 1860s crisis in France as …
Filoxera – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
A filoxera é um minúsculo insecto (0,3 a 3 mm de comprimento nos seus diversos estádios de desenvolvimento) sugador de seiva, aparentado com os pulgões, com um ciclo de vida muito …
Phylloxera and its impact - Wine & Spirit Education Trust
Sep 2, 2023 · If you have ever learnt about winemaking history in Europe, you’ll have heard of the Great French Wine Blight. This blight was caused by the Phylloxera insect, and it led to …
La Filoxera qué es y cómo afectó al mundo del vino
La filoxera fue uno de los episodios más devastadores en la historia vitivinícola de Europa, especialmente en países como España y Francia, que dependen profundamente de la …
Filoxera, el mayor asesino en serie de la historia - BdelVino
Nov 8, 2018 · La filoxera es un insecto, parásito de la vid, del orden de los hemípteros. Clasificado correctamente como Phylloxeridae por primera vez por Jules Émile Planchon en …