Fíli and Kíli | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom - lotr…
Fíli and Kíli were the two most active Dwarves of Thorin's company, and, apart from Balin and possibly Bombur, they appear more frequently as "individual" characters in J.R.R. Tolkien 's The Hobbit than the rest of Thorin's companions, who are most often named only in group-reference.
Fíli - Tolkien Gateway
Jul 6, 2024 · Fíli and Kíli were the sons of Dís, the sister of Thorin. Before the quest to Erebor, they probably lived in the Blue Mountains where their uncle resided after the disappearance of Thráin II. [1] . As Thorin's sister-sons, they accompanied their uncle when he set out to challenge the dragon Smaug.
Fíli | Hobbit LOTR Trilogy Wiki | Fandom
Prince Fíli was the eldest son of Dís, the brother of Kíli and nephew of Thorin Oakenshield. Fíli was born TA 2859 to Dís and was born into the royal family of Durin's Folk. He and his younger brother, Kíli were raised by their mother and their uncle, Thorin in Ered Luin ("Blue Mountains") because their father died in battle [1].
Fíli and Kíli | Tolkien Wiki
Jun 4, 2020 · Fili and Kili belonged to the thirteen-dwarf company, led by Thorin Oakenshield. They voyaged together, along with the great wizard Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins as their burglar, to conquer and re-possess the Lonely Mountains from the gruesome Dragon Smaug. In the eighth chapter of The Hobbit, Fili is described as the youngest among the two brothers.
Dean O'Gorman as Fili the Dwarf | Lord of the Rings & Tolkien …
Fili was slain defending Thorin at the Battle of the Five Armies. Analysis: the name “Fili”, like most of the names of Tolkien’s Dwarves, was derived from an old Norse poem titled “Völuspá”.
Fíli | Peter Jackson's The Hobbit Wiki | Fandom
Fíli is one of the main characters of The Hobbit. He is brother of Kili and the nephew of Thorin Oakenshield through their mother Dis. Since Thorin has no children of his own, Fili is by default next in line for the throne until his untimely death in the last Hobbit film.
Fíli | Middle Earth Film Saga Wikia | Fandom
Fíli (T. A. 2859-November 23, T. A. 2941) was one of the twelve companions of Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield. He was also the son of Dís, the nephew of Frerin, the older brother of the late Kíli and grandson of Thráin and great-grandson of Thrór.
Fili | Wiki | LOTR Amino
Fíli (T.A. 2859 – 2941, 82 years old) was one of the thirteen Dwarves who took part in the quest for Erebor, which was Bilbo Baggins's great adventure. He was one of the three Dwarves of Thorin's company who did not survive the Battle of Five Armies (the other two being his uncle Thorin and his brother Kíli.)
Fíli | Heroes and Villains Wiki | Fandom
Fíli is a Tolkien character who appears in The Hobbit and one of the sequel novels, Unfinished Tales. He is the older brother of Kíli, son of Dís, and the nephew of Thorin Oakenshield. He is a Prince of Durin's Folk who joins his uncle in reclaiming the …
Fíli | Hobbit Trilogy Wiki | Fandom
Prince Fíli was one of the main characters in The Hobbit film trilogy. He was the nephew of Thorin Oakenshield and the older brother of Kíli. Fíli first appears to Bilbo with his brother, Kili. However, Bilbo tries to reject them, but Fíli tells the hobbit that they weren't told the meeting was canceled.