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Help for individuals and groups who are active in federal elections. Research legal resources. Explore relevant statutes, regulations, Commission actions and court cases.
About | FEC - FEC.gov
Find what you need to know about the federal campaign finance process. Explore legal resources, campaign finance data, help for candidates and committees, and more.
Campaign finance data | FEC
Explore current and historic federal campaign finance data on the new fec.gov. Look at totals and trends, and see how candidates and committees raise and spend money. When you find what you need, export results and save custom links.
FEC | Leadership and structure
Access information on current and past Commissioners, the agency's structure, and view Commission directives, procedures and internal policies. The FEC is an independent, regulatory agency with more than 300 employees, led by six Commissioners.
Mission and history | FEC
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is the independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing the federal campaign finance law. The FEC has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for the U.S. House, Senate, Presidency and the Vice Presidency.
FEC | Individual Contribution Research
Federal Election Activity (FEA) Activity by state, district and local party committees, which may be paid for with federal or – in the case of the first two types – a combination of federal and Levin funds.
FEC | Election and voting information
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has compiled the following information about elections and voting. The FEC administers federal campaign finance laws; however, it has no jurisdiction over the laws relating to voting, voter fraud and intimidation, election results or …
Contact | FEC - FEC.gov
Press queries and questions about Commission meetings. Press Office 1-800-424-9530, menu option 1 202-694-1220 [email protected]. Accessing campaign finance reports and public documents. Public Records Office 1-800-424-9530, menu option 2 202-694-1120 [email protected]. Requests for FEC speakers or public appearances. Information Division [email protected]
Browse data | FEC
The committee master file contains one record for each committee registered with the Federal Election Commission. This includes federal political action committees and party committees, campaign committees for presidential, house and senate candidates, as well as groups or organizations who are spending money for or against candidates for ...
Latest updates | FEC
4 days ago · WASHINGTON – The Federal Election Commission has appointed James D. McGinley Associate General Counsel for Litigation, effective Monday, January 13. Mr. McGinley will oversee the Office of General Counsel’s Litigation … Read more