What does "ese" mean? - Spanish Language Stack Exchange
May 2, 2015 · Looking at the video you mentioned, and doing some googling, it turns out that ese (which has the gramatically correct meanings mentioned in the other answers) is a Spanglish slang to refer to someone, generally the person you are talking to.
Question re "ese" - Spanish Language Stack Exchange
Dec 17, 2023 · "Ese" is a shorthand for a longer slang "Ese vato loco" (roughly yo', trippy dude) among chicanos and latin american gangs of all origins, and as far back as the 50's Zoot Suit chicanos in East Los Angeles. Thus, "Ese" is idiomatically translated as "Yo" and used in the same manner. Examples: Estas bien loco, ese (You're mad crazy*, 'yo*)
diferencias regionales - Is it an insult to call someone 'cabrón ...
Jun 11, 2018 · Ese cabrón no se quita del camino! (that jerk/asshole won't move out of the way!) There's also a third meaning, very common by the way, and it's used to refer to someone who is really good at something specific, for example: Ese wey es muy cabrón jugando fútbol (that guy is so good at playing soccer) another example:
Usage of ese/esa/eso with implied gender
Mar 5, 2024 · ese/esa is that [noun] (masculine or feminine word). eso just means that. Personally, on the Internet, if I want to say I already know that I would say: Ya sabía eso. And not: Ya sabía ese. I already knew that one [ese hecho]. «Este hecho es interesante: Todo el territorio canadiense de Nunavut cabe dentro de México.»
definiciones - What does the word "pinche" mean? - Spanish …
Jan 3, 2014 · "Ese viejo es bien pinche" means "That man is really stingy" "Ese pinche viejo no hace nada bien!" means ...
Is "weón" used in Chile and what does it mean?
Mar 28, 2020 · In Mexico we don't use weon/webon, instead we use wey.Weon is the slang for huevon (as explained in previous answers) and it's used mainly in Chile but it's also used in other South American countries like Peru(as far as i know).In Mexico we use huevon in specific cases to refer to someone who doesn't work or is just lazy, but as a regular expression we just use wey.
Argentine slang 're' - Spanish Language Stack Exchange
Jan 13, 2012 · Lo empleamos con un verbo casi del mismo modo que si fuera un adjetivo o sustantivo, sólo en ese caso él tomará el significado intensificado del verbo. ej: estoy refeliz esta noche. tengo una relija ( un gran Hambre) este bondi viaja recontra rápido
"Chinga" - common slang? Origin? - Spanish Language Stack …
Dec 4, 2012 · Let me clarify, I'm looking for the origin and SLANG uses of the word "chinga", not any other derivation of the word. Since this is considered slang, relating it to dictionary words is pretty meaningless. Slang can be considered a widely adopted meaning of an otherwise nonsensical word/phrase, I believe that true in this case.
¿Por qué en Colombia se usa "gonorrea" como insulto?
Oct 19, 2016 · Aunque hoy se utiliza en toda Colombia se empezó a usar en la parte norte del país, en la ciudad de Medellin y en general en el Departamento de Antioquia, más o menos a mediados de los 90 por personas de barrios bajos, poca educación, criminales, asesinos.
What does "mae" mean? Is it only specific to Costa Rica?
It relates to the verb "majar" or to press as in "Maje ese cuero". The word became a slang as it was transformed into "mae". As for references, you can sit on classes at Universidad de Costa Rica for four plus years to learn the history of the slangs or do a search on Wikipedia, whichever you find more reliable. –