An Emotional Release Process with an Emotional Pain Chart
It's best to use an Emotional Pain Chart like The Emotion Code Chart. It helps you to determine and pinpoint the repressed emotions. I encourage everyone to learn more about muscle testing. Go deeper into your subconscious. Use emotional pain charts to release blocked emotions. The first step is reading the book The Emotion Code.
Certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner & Training
In 2017, I started practicing the Emotion Code healing on myself after reading the book. The results were so excellent I decided to become certified and help others. Learn more about Emotion Code Certification Training here. I've helped people and pets from all walks of life relieve the stress and pain associated with negative, trapped emotions!
What is the Emotion Code Chart - Bob Randklev Certified Emotion …
The first time I saw the Emotion Code Chart, it was confusing and overwhelming. But after I took the time to read the book and review the training videos, it made total sense! I tested myself and was amazed at how quickly I could find the trapped emotion I was working with and how quickly I could find more! The Emotion Code chart is a key ...
Emotion Code Heart Wall Chart To Release Emotional Blockages
You can receive a printable PDF copy of the HeartWall FlowChart by email. You'll also receive the Emotion Code Chart, the first two chapters of the book The Emotion Code. I'll also send more details on energy healing news and updates. Submit …
What are the best Emotion Code magnets for energy healing?
Emotion Code Magnets play a vital role in the healing process. We use energy healing magnets with The Emotion Code and The Body Code Energy Healing. I have my favorite magnet, but I've used different magnets. Some will surprise you! Identifying trapped emotions is the first step in The Emotion Code and Body Code Healing process.
What is an Emotional Heart-Wall and How They Affect Our Lives
The Body Code identifies six significant imbalances. There are dozens of levels and hundreds of imbalances to address. Inside the Body Code, you'll find The Emotion Code Chart. It's essential to get your Emotion Code Certification first, and I built my practice for a year! There are thousands of full-time Emotion Code Practitioners worldwide.
The #1 Emotion Chart for Energy Healing - Bob Randklev Certified ...
Now using The Emotion Code Chart you can ask if the trapped emotion is in column A or B. Then Odd or even rows. Then 1, 2, 3, etc. till you find the emotion. It's your choice to used muscle testing or dowsing, both will help you find the trapped emotions. Emotion Code Chart Definitions. There are definitions for every one of the sixty emotions.
The Emotion Code Certification Review - Bob Randklev Certified …
Emotion Code Certification Review: The Student Session Requirements. To become certified, I had to submit 26 student Emotion Code healing sessions and four animals. These can be done in person or remotely via proxy. I suggest doing all you can in person first, I think you learn it quicker by having a person in front of you.
What is a Body Code Session and how does it work?
Since the late ’90s, Dr. Nelson has developed the Emotion Code and later the Body Code. His first book, The Emotion Code, was published in 2007 and was re-released in 2019. The Body Code was launched in 2012, and today there are thousands of practitioners around the world and the Belief Code was launched in 2023
Who is Dr. Bradley Nelson? The Emotion Code and Body Code …
Dr. Bradley Nelson and The Emotion Code Chart. One of the foundational pieces of Dr. Brad Nelson's energy healing is the Emotion Code Chart. It's a chart of sixty emotions split into two columns and six rows, leaving five emotions per box.