Let your children’s spirits soar as they experience Edo-era professions, transforming into brave Edo residents from various backgrounds. Embark on an adventurous journey through the Edo period as a family.
What is Edo Wonderland? | EDO WONDERLAND 日光江戸村
Edo Wonderland is a cultural park that faithfully recreates the vast Edo town against the backdrop of the beautiful mountains of Nikko. You can either transform into an Edo resident like the ninjas, samurais, and townspeople you see around the town, or enjoy the experience as a time traveler from a foreign land visiting the Edo period – the
栃木県日光市。江戸時代を再現したカルチャーパーク 江戸ワンダ―ランド日光江 戸村の公式サイトです。
Ticket Prices | EDO WONDERLAND 日光江戸村
attending educational programs, and experiencing traditional Edo-era games. This is exclusive for groups of 20 or more people. Meals are charged separately and preschoolers are not accepted.
Experience/Learn | EDO WONDERLAND 日光江戸村
In Edo Wonderland, a variety of programs are offered for a deep enjoyment of the Edo period. These programs start with the Edo Occupation Experience, where children can try their hand at popular Edo professions, and even extend to adult samurai experiences.
Access | EDO WONDERLAND 日光江戸村
Take the direct express trains “Kinugawa” or “Spacia Kinugawa” from JR “Shinjuku Station,” “Ikebukuro Station,” or “Omiya Station” to “Kinugawa Onsen Station.” Then take a bus to Edo Wonderland for about 15 minutes or a taxi for about 10 minutes.
江戸ワンダーランドとは | EDO WONDERLAND 日光江戸村
江戸ワンダーランドは、 日光の美しい山々を借景に 広大な江戸の町並みを 再現したカルチャーパーク。 町で見かける忍者 ...
変身する | EDO WONDERLAND 日光江戸村
栃木県日光市。江戸時代を再現したカルチャーパーク 江戸ワンダ―ランド日光江 戸村の公式サイトです。
イベント | EDO WONDERLAND 日光江戸村
自然に囲まれた江戸ワンダーランドに訪れると、 季節によってさまざまな表情が見られます。 そして、江戸時代当時に ...
Event Schedule | EDO WONDERLAND 日光江戸村
Throughout the year, Edo Wonderland holds various events. In addition, the timing of regular performances may change depending on the season, so please check the event schedule and enjoy.