Causes of itching and draining Ears - Mayo Clinic Connect
Aug 20, 2018 · I wake up in the middle of the night, from my ears itching like crazy, my right ear more than my left. One Doc gave me medicine for swimmers ear. It doesnt work. So recently, took it upon myself to take two benadryl tablets before bed. Well that seems to help. My ears stop itching and draining while sleeping. Could I have an allergy causing this?
I have clear liquid draining from my ears | Mayo Clinic Connect
Jan 24, 2016 · Something similar happened to me just once. I have a profound bilateral heating loss, prone to ear infections and get ear checkups every 4 months or so. Over a year ago at one of the checkups I mentioned my hearing wasn’t as acute as it was and had drainage out of my right ear. It was a fungus “infection”.
Dull Burning Ear Pain in One Ear - Mayo Clinic Connect
Feb 2, 2025 · Has anyone else experienced dull burning ear pain in one ear. This issue started with me in April 2023. Initially, it started as a fullness in in just the right ear, followed by a partial loss of hearing, then the onset of the dull burning ear pain that has gotten progressively worse.
I have clear liquid draining from my ears | Mayo Clinic Connect
Jan 24, 2016 · I have clear liquid draining from my ears, mostly from the right, and the canals show damaged skin. I've seen 2 specialists and neither thinks it's a problem. They are surely incompetant, as the 1st I saw caused an infection in my left ear. The fluid feels like automotive break fluid. Do you have an opinion? Thanks. Greg T.
I have clear liquid draining from my ears | Mayo Clinic Connect
Other than sores, my symptoms were identical to yours... itching, draining, pain. It took two visits to my local VA clinic before they diagnosed it correctly as both an inner ear infection and irritation of the ear canal. I had been swabbing my ear canal with an iodine solution. They advised against that since it causes drying of the skin.
Sulpha powder for ear infections and drainage
Nov 17, 2023 · I have a question. I've had fluid behind my ear drum for 2 weeks and been using prescription drops and it cleared up the fluid but there was still drainage in my ear canal, so my ENT sprayed a Sulpha powder in my right ear as it had an antibiotic in it to dry out the drainage.
Cholesteatoma: Anyone else want to talk? | Mayo Clinic Connect
Feb 8, 2019 · I had a cholesteatoma removed in 2005 in my left ear due to ear infections and perforations.The Dr claims the air conduction hearing loss in that ear is not the result of the surgery. I still connect the two though because the surgery and hearing loss happened so close together. My ear drum is deformed from T-tubes and surgeries.
Myringotomy: How long til the ear feels normal?
Sep 20, 2022 · Hi sue - just after Father’s Day I got a bad cold -fever -sore throat -headache- & ear infection— took Augmentin for 10 days went back & got it checked several times, and it was healing properly but the fluid in the middle ear stayed —-I waited it out 3 months and saw 3 ENTs for opinions —hoping it would go away on its own — but it didn’t so the ENT did this procedure- …
Mastoiditis: What treatments did you get? Left untreated?
Aug 28, 2022 · My ENT sent me to an otologist. It was a great decision. The ENT said that my mastoid bone looked very inflamed on the CT scan, but the otoligist says it looked fine and gave me an eye drop to use in my ear. It cleared up the draining within a few weeks and now I'm going to the follow up to get an all clear! (Hopefully).
Hollow echo distortion in ear? Scared | Mayo Clinic Connect
Mar 17, 2021 · I'm so sorry! I have outer hair cell damage in my left cochlea and all four ENTs thought I just had regular Meniere's disease. A neurosurgeon figured this out by squirting steroids through my eardrum directly into my inner ear which fixed my hearing 100% for a few days. He also did an MRI of my head with ear contrasts to rule out a tumor.