E39 colours - BimmerFest BMW Forum
Jan 24, 2009 · here are pics of most of the colours you could get the e39 and m5 in, there a few more so if you have them post them up Aegean blue Atlantic blue...
e39 Color - BimmerFest BMW Forum
Dec 21, 2008 · e39 Color Code Challenge Below is a list that includes (all?) color codes for the e39. Let's see if the Festers can post up pics of e39's for every color...
Blue Water Metallic 896 Steel Blue Metallic 372 Toledo Blue Metallic 482 Slate Green Metallic 449 Oxford Green Metallic II 430 Topaz Blue Metallic 364 Black Sapphire Metallic 475 Kalahari Beige Metallic 481 Sterling Gray Metallic 472 ... BMW E39 PAINT CODES, OEM COLOR OPTIONS. Author:
colour? - BimmerFest BMW Forum
Nov 25, 2024 · Below are the BMW E39 paint codes and color options for mostly US Spec models and some Euro Spec models. These listed E39 paint codes are for standard
E39 colours - Bimmerforums.com
Jan 24, 2009 · Drool. I want Avus or Lemans Blue. Always wanted a blue car... anyone want to trade for jet black?
Exterior Colours RHD – M5 E39 Owners Club
Estoril blue metallic.
OEM Color Codes for BMW E39 M5 - CarsAddiction.com
The paint codes below are for a BMW E39 M5, with real life photos to sample each color that can make comparing the perfect exterior paint color any easy task. BMW has always been synonymous with elegance, style, and precision, and the E39 M5 is no exception.
Sonderlackierungen , seltene Aussenfarben - E39 Forum
Jan 8, 2011 · Hallo. Uns würde es mal interessieren, was es alles für seltene Farben beim e39 gibt. Wir haben ja schon so einige gesehn, wie sun down metallic oder ägäischblau oder atlantisblau. ... 054 Ozeanblau Ocean Blue Standard Blue 055 Anthrazitgrau Anthracite Grey Metallic Grey ... 243 Nogarosilber Blue Silver Metallic Silver 51 91 1 052 112
The Blue E39 thread - Bimmerforums.com
Jun 14, 2007 · Honestly, blue E39's are one of the classiest cars out there. When I saw my 528 online, and went to view and test drive it, (at night) I went in under the impression that it was Orient Blue. Only the next day, to my delight, it was Anthracite.
Need help identifying two E39 colors. - bimmerforums.com
Jun 24, 2009 · Since I'm getting close to getting an E39, I'm looking harder in my city for a good one. I ran across these two colors at a local dealer that I've never seen before on an E39 and I was wondering what the names of the colors are.