DUAL 1218 Restoration Journey - Tapeheads.net
Apr 29, 2013 · The DUAL 1218 is complete. In conclusion, the DUAL is in testing and so far works just perfectly. The mechanism is quiet, the speed is steady and the overall sound quality is REAL nice as played through my Sansui 881 receiver and ADC Sound Shaper equalizer.
Dual 1218 problems - Tapeheads.net
Oct 20, 2014 · I have an old Dual 1218 turntable. Once it used to function but for the last two decades I didn't use it. Now I want to use it again but I no longer works. There are at least two problems: - I can't move the arm from its resting position. - I can't move the Start-Stop switch towards the start...
Show Off Your Dual Turntable | Page 2 | Tapeheads.net
Feb 24, 2024 · I have both a 1218 and 1219. First up, my 1218. Cleaned, lubricated and installed a new Steuerpimple ...
Revox B710 MK II review | Tapeheads.net
Jan 1, 2013 · I will check my back issues for the Dual CS721. I do remember seeing a review of the Dual CS5000 in Hi Fi Choice. I'll let you know what I find..... BTW. FWIW, my first quality TT was a Dual 1218. Purchased from the local Pacific Stereo here in Southern California. My younger brother still owns it and it still works just fine.
My First Dual Capstan Deck! - Tapeheads.net
Apr 14, 2012 · Its 3 head, dual capstan, has Dolby B, has level calibration for Dolby tracking with test tone generator, bias fine tune on the back & an output level control. I hooked up my Nak T-100 to the #1 tape loupe input on my Concept 6.5 receiver and had the SCT-30 on the #2 loupe and I could feed a 10K tone from the T-100 to the SCT-30 and set the ...
Best of the Dual-Well Decks? | Page 11 | Tapeheads.net
Apr 27, 2011 · On what I'd call the "commonplace second-hand market" of thrift stores and yard/garage sales, the most common cassette decks are dual-well machines. That is why this particular thread of the best dual-well decks is so useful for those of us who are hesitant to pay the relatively higher prices for good-condition top-tier single-well decks.
most reliable dual capstain transport - tapeheads.net
Jul 21, 2013 · Tandberg TCD 440A has a very well integrated dual solution with very few moving parts , dual motors one for each reel that take up tape slack anytime. We had only Tandbergs in my school (Tandberg had a state deal with Sweden)English learning purpose, I remember being 10 years old playing those education tapes play,stop,rew,loops forever trying ...
Dual well deck; one side muffled. - Tapeheads.net
Mar 19, 2014 · Hi there, I have a Denon DRW-830 dual-well deck. My issue is that Deck A plays my tapes slightly muffled and with a bit of a waving sound, like it gets muffled, then a bit clearer, then muffled. Deck B on the other hand plays like no tomorrow; it rewinds and fast-forwards slightly faster and everything sounds crystal clear from that side.
Any Dual Cassette Deck Worthy of Audiophile Status?
Apr 15, 2017 · There are dual well decks that have more or less a constant azimuth, even if autoreverse, like Pioneer, or with stationary heads (like Dragon or reverse walkmans) like Dual C839. There are dual well decks that employ a special algorithm to minimize the quality losses at high speed dubbing, like the TOTL Sonies.
Onkyo TA-RW544 Dual Well dreck | Tapeheads.net
Dec 16, 2012 · Also found this Onkyo TA-RW544 Dual Well Cassette Dreck at the meece infested place. The meece totally left this one alone. Guess it wasn't high class enough digs even for meece. I cleaned it up in and out and it actually works fine. Has auto reverse both sides, dual capstan, Dolby B,C & HX...