Doom | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Doom was a Clone Commander who served Jedi Generals Tiplee and her sister Tiplar in the Battle of Ringo Vinda during the Clone Wars. Aided by Anakin Skywalker and the 501st Legion, Doom and his unit engaged droid forces led by Separatist Admiral Trench aboard the space station orbiting Ringo Vinda.
Xim's Star Wars Doom mod - ModDB
Plays random midis from the Star Wars trilogy and a few old school Lucas Arts games. Replaces textures for DOOM and HERETIC with Star Wars themed textures. Includes brightmaps. Also features sound effects, splashes, and "sinking depth...
Doom's unit | Wookieepedia | Fandom
In 19 BBY, the Republic battled the Separatists on the space station ring around the planet Ringo Vinda. Led by Jedi Generals Tiplar, Tiplee and Clone Commander Doom, the unit advanced and fought alongside the 501st Legion. During the battle, the unit became severely depleted.
Clone Commander Doom | Star Wars Databank | StarWars.com
A clone commander, Doom served alongside the twin Jedi Masters Tiplar and Tiplee. Doom led a flanking maneuver during the Battle of Ringo Vinda, supported by clone troopers including Fives and Tup.
Doom - The Clone Wars | Fandom
Doom was a Clone Commander who served under Jedi Masters Tiplar and Tiplee during the Clone Wars. He led his men alongside Anakin Skywalker and the 501st Legion during the Battle of Ringo Vinda.
Xim's Star Wars Doom - Updated (MAY/4/2024) - ZDoom
Feb 20, 2009 · Converts almost everything in Doom into a Star Wars theme, which includes 20+ Weapons (including grenades and special weapons). 40+ Enemies (all Doom 2 enemies replaced, with many variants).
Star Wars: Who Is Commander Doom? - MSN
Commander Doom is one of countless clones of Jango Fett who joined the massive Galactic Republic army. Fans know next to nothing about the character. His rank puts him in charge of no less than...
"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Cargo of Doom (TV Episode 2009) - IMDb
Oct 2, 2009 · Cargo of Doom: Directed by Rob Coleman. With Corey Burton, Matt Lanter, Ashley Eckstein, Dee Bradley Baker. With Anakin and Ahsoka in pursuit, Cad Bane seeks the last piece to unlock the holocron he stole for Darth Sidious.
8 Classic Star Wars Games Every Fan Should Play At Least Once
1 day ago · It's "classic DOOM but Star Wars" complete with the funky 2.5D presentation and an incessant need to go kill a bad guy with a key to open a door. Admittedly, ...
Doom | Jedipedia | Fandom
Doom war der Rufname eines Klonkriegers, der als Klon - Kommandant innerhalb der Großen Armee der Republik während der Klonkriege der Galaktischen Republik diente. Hierzu war er den Jedi-Meisterinnen Tiplee und Tiplar unterstellt, mit welchen er zusammen in verschiedenen Schlachten gegen die Separatisten im Verlauf des Krieges kämpfte.