Judge - 5th Edition SRD
Have those who put you in power tasked you with a mission on their behalf? Perhaps your path to adventure is because of a quest which must remain off the books from your official capacity as …
What class best suits Judge Dredd? : r/dndnext
Nov 9, 2023 · Clockwork Sorcerer also gives you a lot of thematic Judge Dredd stuff like Bastion of Law ("I AM THE LAW") and Restore Balance ("the plane of absolute order allows you to …
Magician's Judge - DND 5th Edition
Though most commonly found in the lands now known as Wildemount and Issylra, a few such blades have found their way to Tal’Dorei. If you hit a creature with an attack using this …
Judgment (5e Spell) - D&D Wiki
You cause a ray of magical light to strike a creature within range, leaving it extremely vulnerable to magic. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 4d10 + 10 …
Judge - D&D Wiki
Halfling Defense Force Judge (3.5e Prestige Class) Justice: Judge, Jury, Executioner (3.5e Prestige Class) Protector Judge (3.5e Prestige Class) 3.5e Other. Heaven's Judgement (3.5e …
Judge (Archetype) | Renderrs' DnD Resource | Fandom
The judge knows that all crimes, great or small, must be punished lest chaos reign supreme and the lawless rule the land. Because of this outlook, it is not uncommon for judges to join up with …
Magician's Judge | Critical Role Wiki - Fandom
Magician's Judge is a greatsword from the Age of Arcanum. It was wielded by an unnamed bounty hunter until they were killed by Siff Duthar, who mounted it as a trophy in his research …
The Judge – Mechanic/NPC | DnD 5e NPC For Encounters
Nov 20, 2023 · When players roll initiative, they are suddenly joined on the battlefield by a mysterious, heavily-armored paladin known only as “The Judge.” Of course, he doesn’t appear …
Judge Dredd is Lawful Evil (An Alignment Thought Experiment)
Mar 11, 2019 · Judge Dredd is the perfect LN, c'mon. The author is saying because he upholds an Evil system, that makes him evil. But if he was working for a Good system that wouldn't …
Judge Dredd - Paladin - Class Forums - D&D Beyond
Feb 12, 2022 · I am looking for suggested ideas for a Paladin played Judge Dredd style. I am the law… what path would be best?
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