SOLVED: Dill or fennel like plant in my garden - Dave's Garden
May 26, 2016 · Dill leaves will smell about the same as dill seed used in flavoring pickles. Fennel will smell a LOT like licorice. These 2 and several other crops are related and have similar flowers: very small, in a rather flat cluster. More than those few black things. Have a look at some pictures of dill and fennel, and related plants like carrot to see ...
Herbs:Caraway Dill & Fennel - Dave's Garden
Apr 14, 2009 · For some reason I think it may be something to do with the actual flavor of the dill and fennel but that could be totally off. You might want to come over to the Organic Gardening forum where a number of us Companion Planting afficionados are hanging out, there are a few threads active in there and perhaps one of the others knows this ...
Plant Identification:SOLVED: Dill like weed in garden - Dave's Garden
Aug 13, 2013 · I have a plant I that looks like dill, smells like dill when the leaves are crushed, but it doesn't seem to be dill as there are no yellow flowers, and the branches are covered with the dill like leaves. It is growing in a raised bed near a wet ditch, started growing about a month ago, and is currently about 4" tall.
Dill and fennel can they cross? - Dave's Garden
Nov 30, 2006 · I love dill but have never grown fennel. They are closely related and I suspect they will cross. The reference books I have looked in give no indication. Chuck ~ they state that fennel is a "tender perennial" usually grown as an annual. If seeds are left, they will readily self sow.
Fennel: Uses and plants to avoid planting near - Dave's Garden
Oct 22, 2009 · -dill is the only herb that will grow near fennel and even dill is a poor choice because the two herbs tend to cross-polinate, rendering the seeds. - the possibility of cross pollination between the fennel and other vegetables - Most plants dislike the essential oil (smell perfume) and stant some plants
Florida Gardening:Fennel - Dave's Garden
Apr 22, 2014 · I haven't had any fennel here for ages. The ones I had died. Yet the swallowtails are still here. I have wild dill growing throughout my flower beds so that must be why they stay here. It seems the black swallowtail isn't limited to one host plant as the monarch, but likes many different plants of the carrot type family.
When to grow fennel in zone 8. - Dave's Garden
Jun 20, 2010 · Thanks evelyn, mine I bought from rareseeds, it is called di firence and it is suppose to get large bulbs. I never really tried fennel before until I bought it at the store to try a recipe and since then I really like it, to me it has a really nice licorice flavor and it is refreshing as well, the only problem is that it is one of those veggies that are very expensive in the store so if I …
Get Started Cooking With Herbs - Dave's Garden
May 2, 2017 · Hot - chili peppers, garlic, onion, cilantro, cumin Spicy - star anise, cinnamon, ginger, pepper Sweet - anise, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, allspice
Hummingbird and Butterfly Gardening:Silly Parsley Question
Jun 19, 2006 · Welcome to the famous Dave's Garden website. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants.
Herbs:Bronze Fennel - Dave's Garden
May 14, 2006 · Oh yes, bronze fennel near parsley is fine. I have bronze fennel "Rubrum", and it doesn't have any issues being near parsley. They seem to enjoy each other's company, so long as the fennel does not overshadow the parsley and steal all of the sun. Mine is just starting to sprout, so I think it has done just fine.