This kanji "歿" means "die", "death" - jitenon.com
This page is regarding "歿" which means "die", "death". It shows the radical, the order of stroke, how to read and examples of how it can be used.
Kanji for death, read or die! - Kanji Tools
Kanji for death, read or die! Although there are many words to indicate “death” or “die” in Japanese, for example,「死亡(する)」,「崩御(only used for the Emperor)」,「他界(する)」,「没する」,「不幸」,or「永眠」…and so on.
6 Ways to Say “Death” in Japanese (Kanji & Meaning)
The basic Japanese word and kanji for “death” are “shi” and “死”. However, when talking about the passing of a beloved person the words “shikyo” (死去) and “eimin” (永眠) are more commonly used, while when referring to the passing of another person the more respectful “seikyo” (逝去) is more appropriate.
Kanji Detail for 死 - "death" - kanji.tools
To cease activity - To become useless. To risk one's life - To be prepared to die. 我 々は 彼 の 死 を 残 念 に 思 う。 We regret his death. 私 の 母 はもう 死 んでいます。 My mother is dead too. 死 ぬ 前 、 彼 はほとんど 目 が 見 えなかった。 Before he died , he was almost blind. 彼 女 は1 人 息 子 に 死 なれた。 She had her only son die. 彼 の 死 は 世 界 中 に 放 送 された。
死 Kanji Detail - Kanshudo
死 is a Japanese kanji that means death. 死 has 6 strokes, and is the 169th most common kanji in Japanese. Learn about 死 on Kanshudo.
[死] Handwritten Kanji for to die and its Readings, Radical and …
Today's Kanji is "死" (shi); Kanji for "to die". Handwritten Kanji "死" (shi) Readings, Radical and Meaning of "死" Readings contain "音読み(on-yomi)" and "訓読み(kun-yomi)". On-yomi is written in "カタカナ(katakana)" and Kun-yomi is written in "ひらがな(hiragana)".
Kanji details for 死 - JapanDict: Japanese Dictionary
One single kanji may have more than one different readings. In Japanese, these readings are classified in three different groups: On'yomi, Kun'yomi and Nanori. The reading is coming from the original Chinese pronunciation of the character. It's commonly used in multi-kanji compound words and usually written in katakana.
死 | The Kanji Map
Jōyō kanji, Taught in grade 3. JLPT level: N4. 229 of 2500 most used kanji in newspapers. Stroke count: 6. Meaning: death, die. Kunyomi: し.ぬ, し.に-Onyomi: シ. Composition: 歹 匕
die #kanji - Jisho.org
Audio files are graciously provided by Tofugu’s excellent kanji learning site WaniKani. The SKIP (System of Kanji Indexing by Patterns) system for ordering kanji was developed by Jack …
Meaning of 死 | Kanji dictionary | JLearn.net
Common kanji. Details . Remove from 'JLPT N4' Add to list. Uses 6 strokes Taught in grade 3 Search words that: ... to die, to pass away. 2. to lose spirit, to lose vigor, to look dead. 3. to cease, to stop.