Diablo 1 remastered? : r/Diablo - Reddit
May 1, 2022 · For the real Diablo fans, Diablo 2 and remastered has Diablo 1 music (remixed) in the game, the feelings and immersion, and also the intros were so cool, as an impressionist …
Diablo 1 now available on Battle.net : r/Diablo - Reddit
Jan 30, 2024 · The difference is that Hellfire was never intended to be made from the start, it was greenlit simply to be a quick and easy expansion built off Diablo 1 in like 4 months. Now, the …
Diablo I - Reddit
The Hell 2 mod is a massive total overhaul mod of Diablo 1. It's been in development for 16,5 years, since 2006. First 11,5 years it was The Hell 1, then (in December 2017) we moved on …
Maxing out equipment in Hellfire like a maniac : r/Diablo - Reddit
Mar 8, 2023 · Over the last three months, I've had a ton of fun trying to find the best possible equipment in Diablo 1: Hellfire on GOG.com. I realize hacks exist to achieve a better result …
How to play multiplayer on Diablo 1? : r/Diablo - Reddit
Just got Diablo 1 on gog! My friends I want to play multiplayer. But we'll definitely be apart, as one of us is in a different country. This is possible, right? If so, how do we go about it? We've never …
Diablo (1) replayability : r/Diablo - Reddit
Dec 2, 2018 · Diablo 1 was pretty straightforward. More fun with multiplayer for sure, would not waste my time with it too much. Not bashing it by any means, just not too much to do. Move …
How to Play Diablo 1 in 1920x1080p? : r/Diablo - Reddit
Sep 2, 2021 · Diablo 1 Windows 7/Vista Patch. Your best option would be to play Belzebub Mod, which would modify gameplay though but runs at high resolution. Belzebub Mod. EDIT: Here …
What is the best character to play as a beginner in Diablo I?
Hell mobs is incredibly hard for Warriors but Diablo is easier. Sorcerer is hardest to play in "one way through" runs because you need luck to drop your spells and mana potions are limited. …
Des astuces pour Diablo 1 - Reddit
Apr 1, 2012 · Une bonne tactique dans Diablo 1 consiste à s'approvisionner en un ensemble complet d'objets magiques et à les laisser en ville si vous jouez en solo. Utilisez ces objets …
Do enemies respawn in Diablo 1? : r/Diablo - Reddit
Apr 29, 2019 · I believe in Diablo 1 that you lose your equipped gear upon death. I remember having to wake friends up in the middle of the night to dial into my US Robotics 56k to help me …