SMU DataArts, National Center for Arts Research - DataArts
SMU DataArts brings together thousands of partners and participants united in one common cause: to advance the impact and influence of the arts, culture, and humanities through the power of high-quality data.
Insights - DataArts
In an examination of data submitted by arts and cultural organizations nationwide from 2019 to 2023, we uncover key trends in funding sources and attendance, staffing patterns, and working capital, offering insights into their implications for organizations.
Arts Vibrancy Index - DataArts
Data-driven arts vibrancy rankings for all 50 states reveals the top five states remained unchanged from 2023, with New York holding the #1 spot for the second year in a row, followed by New Jersey, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Maryland.
Open Data at the National Endowment for the Arts
The Arts Endowment provides public access to data and analyses about the arts and cultural sector, in addition to data and analyses about the agency’s own operations.
Publicly Available Data Sources - National Endowment for the Arts
National Archive of Data on Arts & Culture (NADAC) is part of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. This data archive includes numerous datasets, many on this list, which are fit for exploration of arts research topics.
Home - Arts Education Data Project
Sep 15, 2018 · Today the Arts Education Data Project is currently working in 31 states to increase arts participation with the goal of providing arts education data to empower citizens in all 50 states. Just Released!
DataArts - The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage
DataArts, formerly known as the Cultural Data Project, seeks to strengthen the nonprofit arts and cultural sector's vitality, performance, and public impact by equipping organizations to collect, learn from, and use data effectively.
Introducing the Arts Education Data Toolkit
Aug 6, 2020 · Today, the National Endowment for the Arts and Education Commission of the States released a groundbreaking suite of resources as part of the State Data infrastructure Project for Arts Education—an initiative to help stakeholders in the arts extract, analyze and report on data about arts education.
Data as Culture: interrogating data with art - The ODI
Oct 7, 2020 · Data as Culture is the Open Data Institute’s world-class contemporary art programme that exhibits and commissions artworks that use data as an art material. It aims to expand the public understanding of data, and how it may affect and reflect our lives.
How Data Became a New Medium for Artists - The Atlantic
May 14, 2015 · Data artists generally fall into two groups: those who work with large bodies of scientific data and those who are influenced by self-tracking. The Boston-based artist Nathalie Miebach...