Sylph (6 RP) - d20PFSRD
Born from the descendants of humans and beings of elemental air such as djinn, sylphs are a shy and reclusive race consumed by intense curiosity. Sylphs spend their lives blending into the …
Sylph - d20PFSRD
Sylphs are humans whose family trees include elemental beings of air, such as djinn. They tend to be pale and thin to the point of appearing delicate, though their skinny bodies are more …
Sylphs: Pathfinder.d20srd.org
Born from the descendants of humans and beings of elemental air such as djinn, sylphs are a shy and reclusive race consumed by intense curiosity. Sylphs spend their lives blending into the …
Wind Listener (Wizard; Sylph) - d20PFSRD
The wind listener is an archetype of the wizard class, available to sylph wizards. The wind listener takes a sylph’s natural curiosity to the extreme, enhancing his natural skill at subterfuge and …
Sylph - pathfinder.d20srd.org
Sylphs are humans whose family trees include elemental beings of air, such as djinn. They tend to be pale and thin to the point of appearing delicate, though their skinny bodies are more …
Sky Druid (Druid; Sylph) - d20PFSRD
The sky druid is an archetype of the druid class, available to sylph druids. Some druids develop ties not to a particular landscape, but instead to the endless blue expanse of the skies. Such …
Airy Step (Sylph) - d20PFSRD
Airy Step (Sylph) The air responds to your innate elemental nature, protecting you from harm and cushioning your falls. Prerequisites: Sylph. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws …
Sylph - PathfinderWiki
Sylphs are genie-kin descended from the union of mortal humanoids and creatures of elemental air. 1 [citation needed] Sylphs usually look pale and delicate, but are often more resilient than …
Thunderborn (Sylph) - d20PFSRD
Thunderborn (Sylph) The rumble in your voice and the spark in your eyes hint at a lineage of lightning and thunder, possibly tracing back to lightning elementals from the Plane of Air, or …
Pathfinder Community - Sylph
Sylphs are planetouched native outsider races with a connection to the elemental plane of air. This means that they are generally light, whispy, and FAST. Their bonuses to Dexterity and …