Core rope memory - Wikipedia
Core rope memory is a form of read-only memory (ROM) for computers. It was used in the UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer I) and the UNIVAC II, developed by the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation in the 1950s, as it was a popular technology for …
Software as Hardware: Apollo’s Rope Memory - IEEE Spectrum
Sep 29, 2017 · In rope memory, bits of information are represented by threads of wire and tiny doughnut-shaped magnetic cores. A core with wire threaded through the center represents a 1; an empty core represents a 0. In this way, the pattern of wires can form a computer program—software crystallized as hardware, in other words.
Software woven into wire: Core rope and the Apollo Guidance …
The cores in core rope were much larger, since about 200 wires went through each core, while erasable core memory typically had 3 wires through each core. Finally, erasable core memory used the inhibit line for writing a 0, while core rope used inhibit lines for addressing.
Making A Core Rope Read-only Memory - Hackaday
Oct 9, 2013 · This magnetic read-only memory (ROM), contrary to ordinary coincident-current magnetic core memories (used for RAM), uses the ferrite cores as transformers. If you look at the picture above,...
What Is Core Rope Memory? - Technipages
Dec 5, 2022 · Core Rope Memory is a form of Read Only Memory, or ROM. It is not to be confused with the similarly named core memory in the form of Random Access Memory or RAM. Core rope memory worked by weaving many sense wires through or around several cores.
Making Core Memory – An experiment in troubling computing …
Jun 13, 2002 · We invite Technology’s Stories readers to revisit the story of the core memory weavers as a way to explore under-recognized contributions to early computer innovation. The software programs for the Apollo moon missions were permanently stored through hard wiring the code into “core rope memories”.
Core ROM - Madrona
The cores may be said to be 'overmapped', with 4 memory locations each. A rope thus stores 4*1024=4096 words. 3 ropes produce the total program memory of 3*4096=12,288 words. Physically, each rope is constructed from 4 modules of …
NASA used ‘LOL memory’ in the Apollo missions | The Verge
Apr 26, 2012 · NASA used radiation-resistant core rope memory, which consisted of fermite rings woven together with rope, for its Apollo space missions.
Inside the Apollo Guidance Computer's core memory
Core memory was built from tiny ferrite rings called cores, storing one bit in each core. Cores were arranged in a grid or plane, as in the highly-magnified picture below. Each plane stored one bit of a word, so a 16-bit computer would use a stack of 16 core planes.
The Read-Only Memory (ROM) of the AGC is one of its de ning features, and is surpris-ingly well-known even outside of groups that focus on ancient computing. This is primarily due to the distinctiveness of the chosen imple-mentation: Core Rope Memory (CRM). In short, CRM involves the conditional wrapping of wire around magnetized ferrite